[他她话题] 生财有道:纽约出现“街头淘金哥”
想必每个人都有捡到东西的经历,但相信很少有人能在大街上捡到金子。现在纽约就有一位失业珠宝商(jeweller)用镊子捡拾街头的珠宝和金子换钱。不得不令人心生感叹,纽约果然是金龟横行,有钱人的天堂啊,弯腰皆可拾金2011-11-23 编辑:Jasmine
[趣图妙语] 新年前夜纽约许愿墙五彩纷呈
New Year's Eve Wishing Wall in New York.新年前夜纽约许愿墙五彩纷呈。Pieces of confetti are tagged on the New Year's Eve Wishing Wall at Times Square Information Center in New York, the United2012-01-04 编辑:Jasmine
[关注社会] 纽约乘地铁需小心 一人占多位或被捕
Lounging on the New York subway with feet up on the seats was costly to lazy riders fined by the city last year, police said on Tuesday.[qh]警方本周二称,纽约地铁里那些把脚跷在座位上的懒散乘客去年都付2012-01-12 编辑:jasmine
[趣图妙语] 趣图妙语:2012年纽约的第一场大雪
A Bryant Park worker cleans the sidewalk during a snow storm in New York, January 21, 2012. Snow lovers in the northeast finally got what they have been waiting for Saturday morning, with a fast-movi2012-02-08 编辑:jasmine
[文化博览] 文化博览:超级城市纽约 (12)
Unlike the subway, it's free. It's New York's most reliable form of mass transit. More than 96% of the trips on schedule despite slit, snow, fog and traffic. New York Harbour is one of2012-02-29 编辑:mike
[明星资讯] 詹妮弗•安妮斯顿低价出售纽约公寓
尽管才在去年高价购置了位于纽约West Village的两套公寓作为与男友贾斯汀的爱巢,好莱坞女星詹妮弗·安妮斯顿却在日前以损失近50万美元的价格出售了这两所住处。2012-04-25 编辑:lily
[他她话题] 纽约天价停车位将上市 售价高达100万美元
You'll need a trunk full of cash to park here. The city's first million-dollar parking space is on the market.想要在这里停车,你需要带一大箱现金来才行。如今纽约首个百万美元停车位即将出2012-05-23 编辑:Jasmine
[SAT动态] 纽约200位考生SAT成绩无效 皆因座位太近
2012年5月的SAT考试刚刚过去,很多考生还没有从考试的震撼中走出来,SAT考试出题机构ETS又抛出了一个重磅炸弹,因为座位之间的距离太过接近,宣布5月份,纽约一个考场参加考试的的200位考生成绩无效。 SAT考2012-05-21 编辑:echo
[他她话题] 纽约现史上最牛抢劫犯:30分钟抢劫3家银行
A robber in a hurry struck at three banks along a stretch of Kings Highway in Brooklyn in a span of about 30 minutes on Friday afternoon, the police said.警方称,上周五下午,一名抢劫犯在30分钟时间内迅2012-06-06 编辑:Jasmine
[他她话题] 纽约失恋男遍留电话求安慰 7万人回应重拾信心
Breaking up with his girlfriend forced one lonely guy to take drastic action - and he ended up reaching out to thousands of people all over the world.一位孤独男孩失恋之后作出惊人之举,结果是他结识了全2012-07-18 编辑:justxrh
[时事新闻] 纽约帝国大厦枪击案2死9伤 枪手一言不发举枪杀人
A disgruntled former apparel designer was killed Friday morning in a hail of police gunfire in front of the Empire State Building after he shot and killed a co-worker and engaged in a gunbattle with2012-08-26 编辑:justxrh
[他她话题] 他她话题:纽约孕妇地铁寻座记
Chances are, the petite woman hanging onto the pole, barely able to maintain her balance on the swaying No. 7 train, does not have a beer gut. 大多数时候,如果你看到摇摇晃晃的纽约地铁七号线上2012-08-29 编辑:justxrh
[关注社会] 纽约被评为美国最脏城市 游客称有尿骚味
New York has been named the dirtiest out of 35 American metropolitan areas by the out-of-towners who read Trav2012-09-21 编辑:Jasmine
[大千世界] 纽约酒店现透明厕所 如厕"春光"一览无余
纽约一家酒店近日因“透明厕所”备受关注。这家酒店在18层的厕所里安装了一个透明玻璃窗。客人在这里如厕,美丽的室外景色尽收眼底,但不幸的是街上的行人也可以看到他们的一举一动。2012-09-19 编辑:Jasmine
[2012年9月BBC新闻] BBC新闻讲解附字幕:纽约成美国首个禁止大瓶软饮料出售的城市
听力文本BBC news with Julie Candler. President Obama has promised to do whatever is necessary to protect2012-09-21 编辑:Sunny
[旅游文化] 旅游英语:纽约新摩天大楼吸引全球富豪
Rising Tower Emerges As a Billionaires’ Haven One57, a 1,004-foot tower under construction in MidtownManhattan, will soon&nb2012-09-24 编辑:Amy
[关注社会] 关注社会:纽约被评为美国最脏城市
New York has been named the dirtiest out of 35 American metropolitan areas by the out-of-towners who read&nbs2012-09-25 编辑:justxrh
[艺术娱乐] VOA视频:罗马人在纽约,点燃文化风暴
NEW YORK — They are known by many names: Gypsies, Travelers, and Roma, which is how they prefer to be&nbs2012-10-08 编辑:Jasmine
[2012年10月AP News] AP News一分钟新闻:纽约一名保姆刺死两名幼童后自残,已遭逮捕
Hurricane Sandy is heading up the East Coast. The storm may have an impact on the presidential campaigning thi2012-10-31 编辑:Jasmine
[时事新闻] 桑迪飓风死亡人数增加纽约马拉松如期举行
The U.S. death toll from the powerful storm that ravaged the East Coast is above 90 and rising, as emerge2012-11-04 编辑:ivy