[英语导读1000句] 经管励志:快乐工作 兴趣变钱三步走
Section 34Clothes“Clothes make us the man”, states an old English saying.But is it true?If we think carefully, we will find that it is often the case.For example, when we see a man in a suit and ti2007-03-14 编辑:admin
[快乐职场] 失去喜欢的工作 怎样从郁闷情绪中恢复
How do I "bounce back" when I don't get a job I really wanted2012-12-10 编辑:qihui
[快乐职场] 条件不合心意 怎样拒绝工作聘用通知
How do I decline a job offer.Declining a job offer can be tricky.2012-12-13 编辑:qihui
[金太阳小学英语第四册] 广州金太阳四年级上 Unit 7:我们未来的工作
Jiamin: Hello, Janet. What do you want to be when you grow up? 家民:哈罗,珍妮特。你长大后想做什么呀? Janet: I want to be a nurse. What about you, Jiamin? 珍妮特:我想当护士。家民,你呢?2012-12-15 编辑:hoy
[金太阳小学英语第四册] 广州金太阳四年级上 Unit 8:我父母的工作
Miss White: Sally. What is your father's name? 怀特老师:萨利。你爸爸叫什么名字? Sally: John. 萨利:叫约翰。2012-12-15 编辑:hoy
[创意生活] 几个途径 帮你工作场合节约用水
Water at work can be saved in a number of ways. In kitchens, you can have water saving taps fitted...2012-12-18 编辑:qihui
[快乐职场] 职场达人 怎样实现工作效率最大化
If you want to maximize your work output, follow these simple steps...2012-12-24 编辑:qihui
[朋友一场] 听电影《朋友一场》学英语第21期:找了一份唱片制作的工作
我只是和我爸爸住在一起,然后,给自己找了一份唱片制作的工作。2012-12-20 编辑:justdoit
[中外文化] 节日≠假日:你要在圣诞节那天工作吗?
From firefighters to bartenders, more people than ever before are working at home or in the office on 25 December2012-12-21 编辑:spring
[脑筋转转转] 脑筋转转转 第68期:干什么工作人们会敬仰你?
What job will make people look up to you?干什么工作人们会敬仰你?2012-12-31 编辑:Magi
[快乐职场] 做好时间管理 提高工作和生活效率
It might not be your cup of tea, but adhering to a daily plan is the only sensible way to accomplish goals.2013-01-03 编辑:qihui
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第10期:睡前不能做的事情-工作(5)
伟大的睡眠!良好的睡眠能带来极大的好处,但对我们有些人来说,睡觉也不是件容易事。关于“做这几件事能让你睡得好”的建议铺天盖地,但有人讲过“睡觉前不要做以下几件事”吗?跟着Ukki一起来了解一下睡前不应该说什么事情吧?希望这些小tips能帮助大家。2012-12-30 编辑:Ukki
[新编大学英语浙江版] 新编大学英语自主 2Unit5:Laura的工作
let's see. No, they want someone young with ambition and enthusiasm.2013-01-08 编辑:hoy
[创意生活] 派对狂欢之后怎样进行整理工作
It was a late night and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves...2013-01-09 编辑:qihui
[BBC新闻词汇视频讲解] BBC新闻词汇(视频版) 第24期:Hanging up on work
First there was Paul the Octopus predicting World Cup results two years ago... Now a psychic fish in Singapore is being used to forecast the scores of matches at Euro 2012.2013-01-10 编辑:Jasmine
[快乐职场] 经济萧条期 怎样有效保住自己的工作
The more people lose their jobs the more competition there is for yours, so heighten your value to your employer.2013-01-11 编辑:qihui
[恋爱物语] 工作相隔千里之外 伴侣应该怎样应对
Did financial circumstances force your partner to take a job so far away that they can only come home on weekends?2013-01-21 编辑:qihui
[快乐职场] 失业已久 专家教你找到过渡期工作
If you've been unemployed for a while, you may be willing to take a lower-paying or less-prestigious job than your previous gig.2013-01-22 编辑:qihui
[关注社会] 美国程序员:用1/5的工资 我把工作外包给中国人了!
美国一公司员工花1/5的工资,将所有工作全都外包给中国人。每天不仅什么事都不用做,还拿着六位数的高薪,被公司里的人认为是“优秀员工”。事情败露后大家发现,他已经不止在一家公司做过这件事了。2013-01-23 编辑:ivy
[快乐职场] 万事开头难 怎样有效避免工作拖延
Write down what you need to get done. The simple act of “committing” your goal to paper will help you take it seriously.2013-01-26 编辑:qihui