[科技新闻] 警惕!完成疫苗接种者依然会传播新冠病毒
Covid: Double vaccinated can still spread virus at home2021-11-05 编辑:sophie
[科技新闻] 科普:奥密克戎毒株为何“需要关注”,现有防疫工具是否有效
Omicron: everything you need to know about new Covid variant2021-11-30 编辑:sophie
[科技新闻] 科学家研发实验性口香糖,或可减少新冠病毒传播
Could a Chewing Gum Reduce COVID-19 Spread? Researchers Believe It Can2021-12-09 编辑:sophie
[科技新闻] 日本研发出新型口罩 遇新冠病毒能在紫外线下发光
Japanese scientists are developing face masks that glow under UV light if the wearer has COVID-192021-12-14 编辑:sophie
[科技新闻] 研究:奥密克戎病毒在支气管的繁殖速度比德尔塔快70倍
Omicron found to grow 70 times faster than Delta in bronchial tissue2021-12-17 编辑:sophie
[科技新闻] 美国药监局批准首款新冠口服治疗药物
FDA authorizes 1st antiviral pill for COVID2021-12-24 编辑:sophie
[科技新闻] 世卫组织:人类将在2022年战胜新冠疫情
Covid-19: WHO chief optimistic disease will be beaten in 20222022-01-05 编辑:sophie
[科技新闻] 巴士还是火车?日本推出世界第一辆“双模车”
Introducing the bus-train, the world’s first dual-mode vehicle2022-01-12 编辑:sophie
[科技新闻] 别再把手机电量一次性充满了!这样做才能延长手机电池寿命
Stop charging your phone to 100% once a day and other battery-saving tips2022-03-01 编辑:sophie
[科技新闻] 新研究证实:濒死者大脑中会“回放”人生重要片段
Life may actually flash before your eyes on death - new study2022-03-02 编辑:sophie
[科技新闻] 科学家新疗法让中年老鼠“重返青春”
Ageing reversal: scientists rejuvenate tissues in middle-aged mice2022-03-09 编辑:sophie
[科技新闻] 科学家发现蚂蚁能嗅出癌症 比狗更胜一筹
Ants have the ability to sniff out cancer in humans, study reveals2022-03-11 编辑:sophie
[科技新闻] 美国科学家用新疗法成功让中年老鼠变年轻
Repeating the trick in humans is far from straightforward2...2022-03-11 编辑:sophie
[科技新闻] 飞机黑匣子里记录着哪些信息?
A flight recorder is an electronic recording device placed in an aircraft for the purpose of facilitating the investigation of aviation accidents and incidents.2022-03-28 编辑:sophie
[科技新闻] 中国研究团队培养出类似受精卵发育3天状态的人类全能干细胞
An international team led by Chinese scientists has successfully produced the youngest human cells in vitro, which may pave the way for advances in organ regeneration.2022-03-29 编辑:sophie
[科技新闻] 中国科学家发现8个大型真菌新物种
Researchers from the Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences have discovered eight new macrofungi species in south China's island province of Hainan.2022-03-30 编辑:sophie
[科技新闻] 天舟二号已撤离空间站核心舱组合体
Cargo craft leaves space station core module2022-03-31 编辑:sophie
[科技新闻] 长征六号改运载火箭成功首飞
Long March 6A blasts off from Shanxi2022-04-01 编辑:sophie
[科技新闻] 1900年以来南海海平面上升150毫米
South China Sea level rose by 150 mm since 19002022-04-07 编辑:sophie
[科技新闻] 气候变化和农耕导致昆虫数量剧减
Climate change and farming driving insect decline2022-04-24 编辑:sophie