[GRE等价每日一题] GRE等价(Barron模考)每日一题 第13期
Mother elephants don't completely let little Dumbo go out of their sight (an adult is nearby), but the mothers do offer2014-08-13 编辑:mike
[GRE等价每日一题] GRE等价(Barron模考)每日一题 第14期
Despite being lionized for her uncanny ability to inhabit almost any role and, when necessary, inject it with genuine pathos2014-08-14 编辑:mike
[GRE等价每日一题] GRE等价(Barron模考)每日一题 第15期
The recent spate of quality television dramas—while clearly indebted to the cinematic idiom of the 1970’s—represents2014-08-15 编辑:mike
[GRE等价每日一题] GRE等价(Barron模考)每日一题 第16期
Notwithstanding her tendency to _____ when journalists’ questions blatantly pried into her personal life2014-08-16 编辑:mike
[GRE等价每日一题] GRE等价(Barron模考)每日一题 第17期
Watch out for the false shift: 'while' is only stating how much foliage the park has. The real clue is after the semi-colon2014-08-17 编辑:mike
[GRE等价每日一题] GRE等价(Barron模考)每日一题 第18期
Despite creating the impression that his replies are ungoverned by any forethought, the mayor—even in his most seemingly2014-08-18 编辑:mike
[GRE等价每日一题] GRE等价(Barron模考)每日一题 第19期
Malcolm will not always be generous and likely to forgive others their faults ("unbounded magnanimity"), especially to2014-08-19 编辑:mike
[GRE等价每日一题] GRE等价(Barron模考)每日一题 第20期
This is one of those SE in which many different words could potentially fit in the blank. In case with such an ambiguous blank2014-08-20 编辑:mike
[GRE填空每日一题] GRE填空(Barron模考)每日一题 第21期
两个空格之间是没有实际意义的小词,所以两个空格在分析时可以合并为一个空格考虑。空格前的it和“惩罚(penalty)”2014-08-20 编辑:mike
[GRE填空每日一题] GRE填空(Barron模考)每日一题 第22期
The question of when, if ever, history can be considered_____is contentious, to say at least. One could argue, for example2014-08-21 编辑:mike
[GRE填空每日一题] GRE填空(Barron模考)每日一题 第23期
因为这场令人沮丧的暴风雨的到来,Rich发现机会流失了,他本希望可以用恶劣天气这个理由来获得更多必要的时间。随着截止日期的迫近以及他岌岌可危的信誉2014-08-22 编辑:mike
[GRE填空每日一题] GRE填空(Barron模考)每日一题 第24期
翻译:亚伯拉罕马斯洛的心理学是一个人文主义心理学流派,它以人类状况的一种乐观的观点,把更多的压力对人的潜力,取得成就而不是乐观的力量隐藏在心灵的中止。2014-08-23 编辑:mike
[GRE填空每日一题] GRE填空(Barron模考)每日一题 第25期
答案解析:自由贸易经常被誉为灵丹妙药发展中国家的经济困境,但贸易往往对一个国家的经济也有不良影响 单词解释:a panacea 灵丹妙药2014-08-24 编辑:mike
[GRE填空每日一题] GRE填空(Barron模考)每日一题 第26期
翻译:击退了谄媚的员工,执行通知他的员工,他首选建设性的批评计算奉承。2014-08-25 编辑:mike
[GRE填空每日一题] GRE填空(Barron模考)每日一题 第27期
翻译:最喜欢运动在艺术、超现实主义很快变得衰弱的,但其影响力仍无处不在。2014-08-26 编辑:mike
[GRE填空每日一题] GRE填空(Barron模考)每日一题 第28期
因为电磁波以光速旅行,宇航员在月球和地球之间的无线电通讯会受到只有几秒的延迟,而宇航员客轮行星世界面临分钟甚至几小时的通信延迟。2014-08-27 编辑:mike
[GRE填空每日一题] GRE填空(Barron模考)每日一题 第30期
弗洛伊德心理学的一些批评人士认为这是一种正统的宗教,任何威胁的教条被视为异端邪说,拒绝,以免破坏整个“教堂”。2014-08-29 编辑:mike
[GRE等价每日一题] GRE等价(Barron模考)每日一题 第21期
Because the professor is not sure whether she is going to get tenure, she is going to work hard. "Pursuing multiple..." is the clue.2014-08-21 编辑:mike
[GRE等价每日一题] GRE等价(Barron模考)每日一题 第22期
Martha was _____ those whom she had only met a few times, expressing her misgivings with folded arms and furrowed brow.2014-08-22 编辑:mike
[GRE等价每日一题] GRE等价(Barron模考)每日一题 第23期
Max was so _____ that he never could be caught in an outright lie; his duplicity worked its seductive spell through a calculated mix of half-truths and disingenuousness.2014-08-23 编辑:mike