[日积月累学口语] 日积月累学口语:不要熬夜熬得太晚
描述熬夜状况:I will stay up late to finish my paper.为了完成报告我打算熬夜不睡。He pulled an all-nighter last night.他昨天熬夜了。She is tired out by these long vigils.长期熬夜使她筋疲力竭。劝对方别熬2011-12-14 编辑:beck
[日积月累学口语] 日积月累学口语:晚安告别时常说的8句话
Good night!晚安!Sweet dreams!好梦!Pleasant dreams.好梦。Sleep tight!睡个好觉!Have a good dream.做个好梦。See you tomorrow.明天见。So long!再见!See you later!稍后见!2011-12-15 编辑:beck
[日积月累学口语] 日积月累学口语:" 老实说"的8种常用表达
To be honest, I don't think we have a chance of winning.老实说, 我认为我们没有获胜的可能。To be candid, I did vow that the girl I loved.老实说,我发誓,我爱那女孩。Frankly, I think you are talkin2011-12-16 编辑:beck
[日积月累学口语] 日积月累学口语:请您认真考虑给我加薪
I'd like a pay raise.我想要加薪。I am going to ask the boss for a raise.我要找老板要求加薪。I hope you will consider giving me a pay raise.请您认真考虑给我加薪。My monthly gross salary should inc2011-12-19 编辑:beck
[日积月累学口语] 日积月累学口语:N个上班迟到理由
I lost track of time.我把时间搞糊涂了。I didn't realize it was so late.我没意识到已经这么晚了。I overselpt.我睡过头了。My alarm didn't go off.我的闹钟没响。Traffic was slow.路上有点堵车。I wa2011-12-20 编辑:beck
[日积月累学口语] 日积月累学口语:圣诞前夜不可不知的"apple"俚语
apple of one's eye 掌上明珠、心肝宝贝(指某人极为珍爱的人或物)Grandfather always made the most fuss of Gillian; she is the apple of his eye. 祖父总是极其宠爱吉林恩,她是他的掌上明珠。apples and or2011-12-23 编辑:rainbow
[日积月累学口语] 日积月累学口语:每个人都应该有一颗温柔而坚挺的"heart"
She was going to sell the house but had a change of heart at the last minute.她本来是要卖房子的,但在最后一刻,她改了主意。Yes, I'm a chicken-hearted softie. I never try anything too risky.对,我2011-12-26 编辑:rainbow
[日积月累学口语] 日积月累学口语:情愿接受命运的无情试探,要像珍珠焕发全新光彩
If you are passionate about something, pursue it, no matter what anyone else thinks. That's how dreams are achieved. 如果你想要什么,那就勇敢地去追求,不要管别人是怎么想的,因为这就是实现梦想2011-12-27 编辑:rainbow
[日积月累学口语] 日积月累学口语:(下)要像珍珠焕发全新光彩
I have a woman's body and a child's emotions. —Elizabeth Taylor 我有一个女人的身体和一颗孩子的心。——伊丽莎白·泰勒(美国电影史上最具有好莱坞色彩的人物)There is only one happiness in l2011-12-28 编辑:rainbow
[日积月累学口语] 日积月累学口语:2011年年末十大热词盘点
伤不起 too delicate to bear a blow2011年,伤不起再度以咆哮体的形式火爆起来。不计其数的网友伤不起啊,其阵容达到了一个新的规模。伤不起意为个体本身屡屡受伤,伤痕累累,已经经不起折腾,经不起伤害。面对无处2011-12-30 编辑:rainbow
[日积月累学口语] 日积月累学口语:每天要经历的各种"吃"
After a long day's journey, I felt exhausted. 我跑了一天路,感到吃力。Only those who endure the most become the highest. 吃得苦中苦,方为人上人。Don't try to flirt with her. 你别想吃她豆腐。a2011-12-29 编辑:rainbow
[日积月累学口语] 日积月累学口语:小寒小寒,你冷成冰团了吗?
There is a real nip in the air today. 今天寒气袭人。The wind really chills me to the bone. / The wind is bone-chilling. 这寒风真是刺骨。It's a bit nippy today, but I will still run my usual dist2012-01-06 编辑:rainbow
[日积月累学口语] 日积月累学口语:五花八门新年祝福语
祝愿父母身体安康I wish you longevity and health. 愿您福寿安康。Wishing you a long life. 愿您长命百岁。May you both live long and healthy lives. 愿二老福寿安康。Wishing a happy, long and healthy life!2012-01-04 编辑:rainbow
[日积月累学口语] 日积月累学口语:无心上班的人"煎熬"
Shehas beensuffering dreadfully from the working overtime especially when the Spring festival is coming.玛丽那时正在备受加班的煎熬。Someone is on his or her holiday while someone who istortured by in2012-01-19 编辑:rainbow
[日积月累学口语] 日积月累学口语:2012必有的新年决心
Make only one resolution; your chances of success are greater when you channel energy into changing just one aspect of your behaviour. 只制定一个决心;当你把所有的精力都投入到改变你某一个方面的行为时2011-12-31 编辑:rainbow
[日积月累学口语] 日积月累学口语:不论海角天涯,此刻我归心似箭
Ilay all that night sleepless, and yearning to go home.那晚我一夜没有合眼,只是归心似箭。If everI went home fast in your life, I‘ll go home fast tonight.如果我平生就是归心似箭,那么今晚我就要赶2012-01-10 编辑:rainbow
[] 日积月累学口语:寒冬腊月八样必须品
1970-01-01 编辑:
[日积月累学口语] 日积月累学口语:车票难买,难于上青天么?
Everyone goes to the train station to buy tickets.每个人都去火车站买车票。I'll take the round-trip ticket, please.我要买往返的车票。Do you remember how much you paid for your ticket?您还记得花多少2012-01-11 编辑:rainbow
[日积月累学口语] 日积月累学口语:新的一年,把结婚提上日程吧!
Love is a dream shared By two. Marriage is the joy of the dream come true. May married life fulfill your dreams in many, many ways. and may good luck and happiness fill all your future days.爱情是二人2012-01-30 编辑:rainbow
[日积月累学口语] 日积月累学口语:生活中如影随形的Money
Ching-Ching 钱钱大家知不知道开收银机时会有什么声音? 就是清脆的 ching-ching 二声, 那开收银机要做什么,当然就是有钱赚了, 所以 ching-ching 就代表钱钱的意思, 像是 force of nature 中, 男主角跑去同性恋2012-01-05 编辑:rainbow