[VOA慢速-今日美国] VOA慢速新闻附字幕:华裔美国人经历的各种刻板印象
The first large group of Chinese immigrants came to the United States in the middle 1800s. At that time, some Chinese moved to the American west to build a railroad across the country. Many others w..2014-10-18 编辑:Sunny
[VOA慢速-今日美国] VOA慢速新闻附字幕:美国穆斯林努力消除刻板印象
Muslims around the world will celebrate the holiday of Eid-al-Fitr, the end of the holy month of Ramadan, on Friday. Ramadan is a time when Muslims fast and focus on God.2015-07-19 编辑:Sunny
[每日说英文] 留美老师带你每日说英文 第483期:刻板印象带来的偏见
All the participants became conscious of their stereotypes, curious about the other's narrative, compassionate, and challenged their preconceived notions.2016-05-11 编辑:max
[2016年上半年VOA常速英语] VOA常速英语(翻译+字幕+讲解):打破美国电影对伊朗人的刻板印象
吉米·韦斯伍德是一部由乔布·蓝尼独立制作的好莱坞喜剧电影中的一个伊朗人角色,这部电影讲的是一名伊朗人获得美国绿卡并搬到美国居住,并成为了“美国英雄”的故事。2016-05-22 编辑:Jasmine
[他她话题] 调查显示对性别差异的刻板印象犹存
民主党人比共和党人更有可能说出“社会推崇阳刚的男性”这样的话——但民主党人也更可能说社会推崇阳刚之气是一件坏事。2017-12-10 编辑:alice
[每日说英文] 留美老师带你每日说英文 第933期:对刻板印象开玩笑
I think it's awesome to make occasional jokes on cultural stereotypes, 'cause it's things that totally define who we are from each other.2018-04-08 编辑:max
[每日说英文] 留美老师带你每日说英文 第996期:性别刻板印象
As children there is no limit to what we believe we can become but as girls and boys, we are steered in different directions growing up.2018-07-13 编辑:max
[早安英文] 早安英文(MP3+文本) 第564期:对中美人民的刻板印象
不仅在国内有地域歧视,其实不同国家不同人种之间也会存在刻板印象。比如:在某些外国人眼里,中国人每个人都会武术,每个人数学都很好。在某些中国人眼中,美国人都很开放。真的是这样吗?听听这期节目吧~2019-09-06 编辑:max