[体育新闻] 体坛2011年那些难忘的瞬间
There were some breathtaking highs andshattering lows in a sporting year that is soon to fade away and be replaced byan Olympic one.一、巴萨赢得欧洲冠军杯——狂欢Barcelona's Spanish coach, Josep2011-12-29 编辑:Jasmine
[体育新闻] 2011年中国体育十大新闻
新华社评出2011年中国体育十大新闻(按事件发生时间为序)如下:一、澳网法网创历史 李娜绽放中国红二、两起打架影响坏 队长王濛被开除三、巨人伤痛别赛场 姚明纠结说再见四、跳水迎来全包揽 孙杨缔造新纪录五、精彩2011-12-30 编辑:jasmine
[体育新闻] 实至名归!梅西上演金球奖"帽子戏法"
Messi wins 3rd straight FIFA player of year award.[qh]梅西三连冠 荣膺2011年FIFA金球奖.[qh]ZURICH -Already considered one of soccer's greats at age 24, Lionel Messi on Monday became the first to w2012-01-10 编辑:jasmine
[体育新闻] 易建联加盟NBA总冠军小牛队
The slow-starting Dallas Mavericks have agreed to a one-year deal with free-agent Chinese forward Yi Jianlian, ESPN.com reports. Yi will start with the Mavs' D-League affiliate, the Texas Legends2012-01-17 编辑:jasmine
[体育新闻] 伦敦奥运门票销售出错 花样游泳多售出1万张
Around 200 people who thought their only experience of the London 2012 Olympic Games would be minor heats of synchronised swimming have received an unexpected upgrade to the men's 100m final foll2012-01-06 编辑:jasmine
[体育新闻] 体育资讯:法网天后李娜的网球人生
In Australia to defend her Sydney International title and a finals appearance at the Australian Open, China's top tennis player Li Na has a sense of purpose.[qh]在澳大利亚,中国顶尖网球选手李娜的2012-01-11 编辑:jasmine
[体育新闻] 史诗对决小德七连胜纳达尔 卫冕澳网连夺三大满贯
小编摘要:2012年澳网终于落下了大幕,德约科维奇在男单决赛中以3-2实现了对纳达尔的7连胜,第三度登顶墨尔本并收获了自己的第五个大满贯头衔。导读:北京时间1月29日消息,2012年澳大利亚网球公开赛进入最后一个比2012-01-30 编辑:Richard
[体育新闻] 小德胜纳豆卫冕澳网男单冠军
决胜盘打到第8局,两人上演了一次31个回合的多拍大战,疲惫不堪的小德体力似乎已经达到极限,他脚下一软仰面倒在场地中央久久不能起身。但是正是求胜的决心支持着他坚持下去,第七次在决赛中击败强势对手纳达尔。Th2012-01-31 编辑:Jasmine
[体育新闻] 足球暴力事件后埃及人抗议缺少安全
Egyptian activists are taking to the streets Thursday to protest the failure of police to prevent violence at a soccer match that left at least 74 people dead and hundreds injured in the northern cit2012-02-06 编辑:jasmine
[体育新闻] 林书豪成为首位进入NBA的美籍华人球员
Lin is the first Chinese-American player in the NBA, and spent his first season with the Golden State Warriors, who signed the undrafted Harvard graduate in 2010 to fill out their roster. He saw limi2012-02-13 编辑:jasmine
[体育新闻] 体育资讯:刘翔刷新60米栏个人记录
China's Liu Xiang started his new season and Olympic year by beating archrival Dayron Robles of Cuba in 7.41 seconds to win the men's 60m hurdle final at the Birmingham indoor tournament on S2012-02-20 编辑:jasmine
[体育新闻] 林书豪26分难救主 尼克斯惜败黄蜂止连胜
NEW YORK — The Lin-ning streak is over. And Jeremy Lin's sloppiness was one of the problems. Lin committed nine turnovers, tied for the most in the NBA this season, and the New York Knicks had t2012-02-20 编辑:jasmine
[体育新闻] 瑞典赛刘翔抢跑遭罚下 罗伯斯轻松夺冠
China's hurdler Liu Xiang was disqualifiedThursday at the Stockholm indoor athletics tournamentdue to false start, giving his rival Dayron Robles of Cuba an easy win of 7.66 seconds.[qh]北京时间22012-02-27 编辑:jasmine
[体育新闻] ABC林书豪:当所有华人都处在梦与现实之间
导读:也许就在一周之前,不会有多少人关注林书豪这个名字,尽管这个毕业于哈佛大学的美裔华人已经在NBA摸爬滚打了近两个赛季。如今,再度提起林书豪这个名字,不了解NBA的人也在津津乐道于纽约尼克斯队的六连胜和林2012-02-15 编辑:jasmine
[体育新闻] 林书豪率队力擒小牛 扎克伯格现场助威
上周六,尼克斯队惜败于黄蜂,连胜神话就此终结。经过两天的调整,尼克斯队再次爆发,在主场以104-97击败卫冕冠军小牛队。其中林书豪砍下28分、14次助攻和5次抢断,助攻次数创了职业生涯新高。他用实际行动告诉世人2012-02-22 编辑:jasmine
[体育新闻] 2012NBA全明星赛前瞻:明星们的青葱高中模样
The 2012 NBA All-Star Game is only one weeks away, and the rosters, like always, are filled with the elite of the elite in the NBA.2012年NBA全明星赛只剩一周时间就要到了。就如往常,全明星的人员名单都是2012-02-28 编辑:jasmine
[体育新闻] 林书豪当选东部周最佳 场均27分四战引爆疯狂
New York Knicks sensation Jeremy Lin was further acknowledged for his surprising play on Monday, earning Eastern Conference Player of the Week honors for games completed through February 12. [qh]纽约2012-02-16 编辑:jasmine
[体育新闻] 刘翔世锦赛惜败获亚军 起跑或成刘翔致命伤
When Aries Merritt shot out of the blocks to deny Liu Xiang victory in the 60-meter hurdles, he clinched more than just an unlikely victory. The American hurdler, who was thought to have little chanc2012-03-13 编辑:jasmine
[体育新闻] 下一站是刘翔站?伦敦奥运地铁站改由体育明星命名
The subway system in the British capital has taken on a new look with Transport for London's Olympic Legends Map. The map has changed the names of 361 stations to celebrate Olympic athletes.伦2012-03-31 编辑:Jasmine
[体育新闻] 马琳无缘奥运泪洒庆功会 刘国梁称赞老将大局为重
Last weekend, the Chinese Men Team reported Ma Long as their candidate for the third person which only means the other contender, Ma Lin is already out from the London Olympics. After such news, Ma L2012-04-13 编辑:Jasmine