[经济学人商业系列] 经济学人:职场女性,从此不再羞答答的开
Business.商业。Women in management.女性管理者。A word from your sponsor.后台一句话的事。Time for women to stop being shrinking violets at work.职场女性,从此不再羞答答的开。"I DON'T know2012-09-15 编辑:justxrh
[服饰搭配] 女性福音:可调节高度的高跟鞋
旅居巴黎的加拿大女子坦尼亚•希斯经过三年的研究制作出了一款可随意调换鞋跟高度的高跟鞋。当你走在上班路上,觉得鞋跟太高、脚不舒服的时候,只要按一下鞋跟上的按钮,把高跟卸下来,换上一副适合走路的鞋跟就可以了……小编不禁叹服,科技还真是带来了方便啊!2012-09-19 编辑:Jasmine
[职场双语] 女孩效应:找准自己的职业优势
SHANGHAI women hold more jobs than men in the service sector because of their advantages in communication and2012-09-28 编辑:spring
[恋爱物语] 成功变身优雅成熟魅力女性 只需三步
Being ladylike doesn't mean being girly, weak and submissive - you must show intelligence, inner strength and i2012-09-29 编辑:qihui
[大千世界] 日本女性穿纸尿裤上班成潮流
Most toddlers can feel a sense of accomplishment when they graduate to the big boy or girl potty, but som2012-10-11 编辑:justxrh
[他她话题] 新一代女性:难以忘怀的前男友是死穴
The new generation of women, known as SITCOMs, are looking for love online in a quest to find 'The On2012-10-11 编辑:justxrh
[关注社会] 高收入女性易离婚 家庭妇男易出轨
You're in the job you always wanted and you're doing well, even making more money than your husband.你有一份自己一2012-10-08 编辑:justxrh
[] 职业女性福音:可以随意调整高度的高跟鞋
1970-01-01 编辑:
[PBS访谈健康系列] PBS高端访谈:半边天 改变全球女性的机遇
JEFFREY BROWN: And finally tonight: A new PBS documentary shines a light on the oppression of women and girls&2012-10-08 编辑:melody
[他她话题] 日本女性穿纸尿裤上班成潮流
Adult diapers a surprising new trend among Japanese women日本女性穿纸尿裤上班成潮流Most toddlers can feel a sense of accomplishmen2012-10-12 编辑:ivy
[他她话题] 专家揭秘为何新时代女性都在30岁结婚
The typical first-time bride is now 30-years-old when she walksdown the aisle, according to UK's national statistics2012-10-15 编辑:ivy
[他她话题] 英公司将提供名人精子 女性可与名人配对生子
A sperm donor service aimed at matching women with anonymous celebrity dads – such as rock stars and famous&nb2012-10-18 编辑:ivy
[他她话题] “女性完美一天”安排表 仅用36分钟工作
With the pressure of juggling work, children and the home, you might have thought a woman’s perfect day would&2012-10-24 编辑:ivy
[恋爱物语] 优雅女性攻略:避免高跟鞋断根的尴尬
The Fashion Police are here with their latest Beauty 911 - to show women of the world how to deal wi2012-10-24 编辑:qihui
[他她话题] 学英语:中国女性优于男性,整体问题多多
THE English proficiency of Chinese women is much better than that of men, according to a study released in&nbs2012-11-02 编辑:spring
[恋爱物语] 包装自己 如何才能成为女性杀手
How can I make women want to approach me?我怎样才能让女人愿意靠近我呢?The most important thing that I do when I want a2012-11-10 编辑:qihui
[2012年11月CNN news] CNN讲解附字幕:巴西第一次将由女性领导
中英文本I don't know how far beyond 39 we'll go.我不知道我们将会如何远远超出这39票。You know, that's going to be left&2012-11-09 编辑:mike
[快乐职场] 职场女性:穿高跟鞋走出优雅步伐
Here is a great guide showing you how to walk in high heels. A must see for any woman out there 2012-11-15 编辑:qihui
[恋爱物语] 精心安排聚会 女性朋友开怀畅谈
If you're tired of getting all gussied up for another disappointing bar crawl2012-12-07 编辑:qihui
[健康幸福] 健康生活:为爱美女性制作绿色减肥果汁
Green Goddess Juice. It's a drink designed to aid detox and slimming.2012-12-10 编辑:qihui