[吉米肥伦秀] 如何去除焦虑症状
Finally, there's a lot going on in the world right now, so a lot of people have been dealing with stress by turning to meditation.2020-06-21 编辑:Wendy
[每日说英文] 留美老师带你每日说英文 第1381期:冥想和正念
I believe that meditation and mindfulness are the next big public health revolution.2020-07-07 编辑:max
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第2814期:如何度过糟糕的一天-冥想(9)
闭上眼睛,做几次深呼吸,从精神上把烦扰你的事情都释放掉。2020-09-29 编辑:Ukki
[可可Radio] 可可Radio第2872期:让大脑更聪明-冥想(2)
每天静坐冥想也许是唯——种最有益身心健康的方法。2020-11-26 编辑:Ukki
[读者文摘] 读者文摘:如何随时随地找到安宁(1)
If you had told me as recently as a few years ago that I would someday become a traveling evangelist for meditation, I would have coughed my beer up through my nose.2021-02-07 编辑:sara
[读者文摘] 璇昏
The second thing that changed my mind about meditation is that it does not necessarily entail a lot of the "weird" stuff I feared it might.2021-02-07 编辑:sara
[读者文摘] 读者文摘:如何随时随地找到安宁(3)
It's best to have your spine reasonably straight, which may help prevent an involuntary nap.2021-02-09 编辑:sara
[读者文摘] 读者文摘:如何随时随地找到安宁(4)
I have been mediating for eight years, and I am still plenty ambitious.2021-02-18 编辑:sara