[CNN学生新闻] CNN学生新闻(视频+字幕+讲解):俄罗斯确认坠毁客机系炸弹袭击
President Vladimir Putin visited the Russian Defence Ministry’s command centre on Tuesday evening and told his military to cooperate with France.星期二晚上,总统普京弗访问俄罗斯国防指挥中心,并告诉军方与法国合作。2015-11-18 编辑:kahn
[CNN学生新闻] CNN学生新闻(视频+字幕+讲解):巴黎恐袭后法国誓言要消灭ISIL
This terrorist organisation is receding today in Iraq he says and is the subject of intense bombardments and we must continue it.他表示伊拉克恐怖组织正在减弱,这是猛烈轰炸的结果,我们必须延续下去。2015-11-21 编辑:kahn
[CNN学生新闻] CNN学生新闻(视频+字幕+讲解):欧盟部长讨论应对恐怖主义
European Union Justice and Interior Ministers are undergoing crisis talks in Brussels to discuss new and improved measures for tackling extremism.欧洲联盟司法和内政部长正在布鲁塞尔进行危机谈判,讨论最新及改进的措施以应对极端主义。2015-11-22 编辑:kahn
[CNN学生新闻] CNN学生新闻(视频+字幕+讲解):各国领导人共商打击ISIL策略
Meeting at the annual East Asian summit in Malaysia, world leaders have been urged to cooperate in rooting out terrorism.在马来西亚举行的一年一度东亚峰会上,各国领导人敦促各国配合铲除恐怖主义。2015-11-23 编辑:kahn
[CNN学生新闻] CNN学生新闻(视频+字幕+讲解):俄战机空袭427处叙利亚恐怖分子目标
The bombing missions also struck targets in Aleppo, Damascus, Idlib, Hama and Homs according to the ministry.根据政府部门表示,轰炸目标同样包括阿勒颇,大马士革,伊德利卜哈马和霍姆斯。2015-11-24 编辑:kahn
[CNN学生新闻] CNN学生新闻(视频+字幕+讲解):世界领导人将共同讨论核能源的未来
What role will nuclear energy play in the future? For some it’s a key question that should be on the table for next week’s climate conference in Paris.核能在未来将发挥什么作用?对于一些人来说这是下星期巴黎气候会议上的关键问题。2015-11-28 编辑:kahn
[CNN学生新闻] CNN学生新闻(视频+字幕+讲解):世界银行为非洲筹资160亿美元应对气候变化
The World Bank has announced it is calling for some 16 billion dollars to pay for a plan for Africa to fight climate change.世界银行已经宣布一项约160亿美元的计划,为非洲应对气候变化。2015-11-29 编辑:kahn
[CNN学生新闻] CNN学生新闻(视频+字幕+讲解):美国警告未来三月旅行要格外小心
The US State Department has issued a worldwide travel warning to US citizens that runs until nearly the end of February.美国国务院向美国公民发布了一个全世界范围的旅游警告,时间直至2月底。2015-11-25 编辑:kahn
[CNN学生新闻] CNN学生新闻(视频+字幕+讲解):背后捅刀 普京批土耳其击落俄战机
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, at a business conference in Istanbul on Wednesday, sought to deflect these criticisms.土耳其总统埃尔多安在周三的一次商业会议上力图转移这些批评。2015-11-26 编辑:kahn
[CNN学生新闻] CNN学生新闻(视频+字幕+讲解):俄罗斯飞行员称飞机击落前没有接到警告
There were no warnings. Not via the radio, not visually. There was no contact whatsoever. That`s why we were keeping our combat course as usual.没有警告,没有无线电,没有视觉上的(接近),没有任何的联系。这就是为什么我们维持往常的战斗路线。2015-11-27 编辑:kahn
[CNN学生新闻] CNN学生新闻(视频+字幕+讲解):土耳其警告俄罗斯不要“玩火”
Turkey’s president has warned Russia not to “play with fire,” as Moscow retaliate over the downing of one of its fighter jets near the Syrian border.土耳其总统警告俄罗斯不要“玩火”,随着莫斯科报复土耳其在叙利亚边境击落其战机。2015-11-30 编辑:kahn
[CNN学生新闻] CNN学生新闻(视频+字幕+讲解):奥巴马承兑美国解决气候变化的责任
Speaking at the Paris summit, US President Barack Obama said the United States accepted its duty as the world’s second-biggest greenhouse gas emitter to fix climate change.巴黎峰会上美国总统奥巴马表示,作为全球第二大温室气体..2015-12-01 编辑:kahn
[CNN学生新闻] CNN学生新闻(视频+字幕+讲解):日本不顾联合国谴责强行捕杀鲸鱼
Japan’s whaling fleet has set sail for the Antarctic on a three-month voyage, which the Japanese government claims is in the name of scientific research.日本捕鲸船队已经开始为期三个月的南极航行,日本政府声称是为了科学研究。2015-12-02 编辑:kahn
[CNN学生新闻] CNN学生新闻(视频+字幕+讲解):美国加州枪击案已致14死17伤
Witnesseses said the attackers appeared to have been well prepared. They wore assault dress and were heavily armed. 目击者称袭击者似乎早有预谋。他们身穿冲锋服,全副武装。2015-12-03 编辑:kahn
[CNN学生新闻] CNN学生新闻(视频+字幕+讲解):美国国会阻止奥巴马气候变化计划
The House blocked two resolutions rendering the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) measures inoperative.美国众议院阻止了两项决议致使EPA(环境保护局)措施失效。2015-12-04 编辑:kahn
[CNN学生新闻] CNN学生新闻(视频+字幕+讲解):克里表示美国希望帮助希腊摆脱经济危机
The US secretary of state is visiting Athens. John Kerry met with the Greek foreign minister to discuss security after the recent development in syria and last month’s Paris attacks.美国国务卿正在访问雅典。在最近叙..2015-12-05 编辑:kahn
[CNN学生新闻] CNN学生新闻(视频+字幕+讲解):伦敦地铁站发生行刺事件 系“恐怖袭击”
UK police are treating a stabbing at a London underground station as a terrorist incident.英国警方正在处理伦敦地铁站持刀行刺事件,被认为是恐怖袭击。2015-12-07 编辑:kahn
[CNN学生新闻] CNN学生新闻(视频+字幕+讲解):巴黎气候变化峰会达成草案文件
Delegates from almost 200 nations at the UN climate change summit in Paris have reached a draft agreement on how to move forward on the issue.在巴黎举行的联合国气候变化峰会上,来自近200个国家的代表就如何推进解决气候变化达成了协议草案。2015-12-06 编辑:kahn
[CNN学生新闻] CNN学生新闻(视频+字幕+讲解):美国敦促乌克兰切断“腐败的毒瘤”
America is urging Ukraine to cut what it describes as the “cancer of corruption.”美国敦促乌克兰切断其描述的“腐败的毒瘤”。2015-12-09 编辑:kahn
[CNN学生新闻] CNN学生新闻(视频+字幕+讲解):雾霾爆表 北京实施最严格执法
Tough restrictions come into force today in Beijing which has issued its first ever red alert for pollution.北京发布首个污染红色警报,严格限制今天开始生效。2015-12-10 编辑:kahn