[口译备考资料] 中级口译练习素材:学术造假 academic cheating
科学来不得半点儿虚假,但据报告显示,有近半数科研人员认为当前学术造价是普遍现象,但同时,相当比例的科研工作者对学术造假持宽容态度。宽容的后果就是纵容,纵容的后果就是学术造假成为普遍现象,成为人人心安理2009-07-17 编辑:sunny
[词汇辅导] 口译词汇第28期:最后通牒
词汇释义词性及解释 最后通牒 n.ultimatum例句Zelaya issues ultimatum to interim Honduran government.塞拉尔向洪都拉斯临时政府发出了最后通牒。 新闻背景【新闻背景】洪都拉斯被罢免总统向洪临时政府发出最后通2009-07-17 编辑:sunny
[中级口译模拟试题] 中级口译二阶段考试标准预测题(17)
中级口译二阶段考试标准预测题(17)2009-07-17 编辑:sunny
[综合资源] 商务现场口译(12)
商务现场口译(12)2009-07-16 编辑:sunny
[词汇辅导] 口译词汇第27期:加分
词汇释义加分 n.bonus point例句 The bonus-point scandal is the best example of the power of public supervision because it was reported by the public. 加分丑闻是公众监督力量的最好例证,因为丑闻是由公众2009-07-16 编辑:sunny
[中级口译模拟试题] 中级口译二阶段考试标准预测题(16)
中级口译二阶段考试标准预测题(16)2009-07-16 编辑:sunny
[口译备考资料] 中级口译练习素材:胡锦涛提前回国应对新疆危机
Hu Jintao, the Chinese president, on Wednesday cut short his visit to Italy, where he was planning to attend the annual Group of Eight summit of world leaders, three days after the worst ethnic unres2009-07-15 编辑:sunny
[词汇辅导] 口译词汇第26期:侵权
词汇释义侵权 n.infringement例句 Officials in Guangzhou, the capital city of South China's Guangdong province, handled 16 cases from last November through May involving alleged infringements of inte2009-07-15 编辑:sunny
[中级口译模拟试题] 中级口译二阶段考试标准预测题(15)
中级口译二阶段考试标准预测题(15)2009-07-15 编辑:sunny