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  • [华尔街中级英语] 华尔街中级英语 Lesson 78

    华尔街中级英语 Lesson 78 - Good afternoon, Mr. Conn.- Good afternoon. Take a seat, Mr. Berry.- No thanks, I’m not hungry.- I beg you pardon?- I had a Godzilaburger on the way here.- I asked you to t

    2006-03-03 编辑:admin

  • [华尔街中级英语] 华尔街中级英语 Lesson 77

    华尔街中级英语 Lesson 77- Good afternoon! Double Cross Organization, Judith speaking, What can I do for you?- Good afternoon, I saw your advertisement in this afternoon’s newspaper,- which said that

    2006-03-03 编辑:admin

  • [华尔街中级英语] 华尔街中级英语 Lesson 76

    华尔街中级英语 Lesson 76华尔街英语全程共17级,前12级为普通级,后5级为商务级,其全程学费更高达40000元以上,不以应试为目的,旨在提高口语与听力能力,帮助人们学会如何真正地用英语沟通!真实场景设置,人物鲜

    2006-03-03 编辑:admin

  • [华尔街中级英语] 华尔街中级英语 Lesson 75

    华尔街中级英语 Lesson 75 - There we go, there we go! Whee! Daddy’ll be back home soon with some nice new clean diapers for his little Sigismonda!- Ah, that damn phone!- Hello! 2562183.- I’d like to

    2006-03-03 编辑:admin

  • [华尔街中级英语] 华尔街中级英语 Lesson 74

    华尔街中级英语 Lesson 74 - Ok, that’s all for now, everybody.- Excuse me, David.- Ah, yes, Melissa, you wanted to have a word with me. Look, I must apologize about your homework, I don’t seem to ha

    2006-03-03 编辑:admin

  • [华尔街中级英语] 华尔街中级英语 Lesson 73

    华尔街中级英语 Lesson 73 - Are you feeling alright, Marco?- Yes, I’m fine, I’m fine, a bit tired, maybe, but fine, really.- Well, let’s go in, then.- What would you have to drink, Marco?- Another

    2006-03-03 编辑:admin

  • [华尔街中级英语] 华尔街中级英语 Lesson 72

    华尔街中级英语 Lesson 72- Good heavens! It’s Kristi!- I don’t believe it! It’s Marco!- What are you doing here?- I’m here on business, the company I work for is holding a conference here in Washd

    2006-03-03 编辑:admin

  • [华尔街中级英语] 华尔街中级英语 Lesson 71

    华尔街中级英语 Lesson 71Good evening, here is the 10 o’clock news for today, Monday November 25th.There has been more trouble today at the Plastic Box Factory in Washdon, where a demonstration by en

    2006-03-03 编辑:admin

  • [华尔街中级英语] 华尔街中级英语 Lesson 70

    华尔街中级英语 Lesson 7074. Good evening. Are there any messages for me?75. Good evening, madam. At your service.76. I asked if there were any messages for me.77. Your name please, madam?78. Schmidt.

    2006-03-03 编辑:admin

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