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  • [音乐咖啡厅] 音乐咖啡厅:The Heart Never Lies

    [点击试听] Artist:McFly Song:The Heart Never LiesSome people laugh, And some people cry, And some people live, And some people die, And some people run, Right into the fire, And some people hide, T

    2008-01-29 编辑:admin

  • [音乐咖啡厅] 音乐咖啡厅:This Is The Night蓝色眼泪今夜永

    [点击试听] Artist: Clay Aiken Song: This Is The NightWhen the world wasn't upside down, I could take all the time I hadBut I'm not going to wait when a moment can vanish so fast'Cuz every..

    2008-01-29 编辑:admin

  • [音乐咖啡厅] 音乐咖啡厅:《Legends Of The Fall》-秋日

    [点击试听] 《LEGENDS OF THE FALL》“燃情岁月”还是“秋日传奇”,怎样翻译已不是重点这部1994年电影在无数人的心底成就了它的历史如此的流行,却不落世俗,几乎每个人都可以在电影中找到自己的影子恢弘的美国西部

    2008-01-28 编辑:admin

  • [音乐咖啡厅] 音乐咖啡厅:She's the One 永恒情歌

    [点击试听] I was her she was me 曾经我就是她 她就是我 We were one we were free 我们是一个人 我们很自由 And if there's somebody calling me on 如果有人在呼唤我 She's the one 那就是她 If there's some

    2008-01-27 编辑:admin

  • [音乐咖啡厅] 音乐咖啡厅:暧昧的Jazz_I miss you

    [点击试听] 2001年,爵士名廠verve簽下這位日本第一的優質女聲,開啟她自此光芒四射的魅力人生。4張專輯堆砌出如潮好評的佳績,連 續享得swingjournal jazz、new star award等重量級獎項肯定,銷售與排行如日中天,

    2008-01-27 编辑:admin

  • [音乐咖啡厅] 音乐咖啡厅:The little things

    [点击试听] The little thingsThe little things, you do to me aretaking me over, i wanna show yaeverything inside of melike a nervous heart that, is crazy beatingmy feet are stuck here, against the pav

    2008-01-26 编辑:admin

  • [音乐咖啡厅] 音乐咖啡厅:Love Has It All &nb

    [点击试听] 王菀之-Love Has It AllLove has it allbeckons softly with its call Night & dayE're spreading its silky wings on its wayLove has it allgently falls to the lonely melting heartAnd giving it

    2008-01-26 编辑:admin

  • [音乐咖啡厅] 音乐咖啡厅:Traveling Light轻装前行

    [点击试听] 这是一首可以使心情以下子就放松的歌曲,今晨走在上班的路上,当耳机塞进耳朵欢快的节奏吉他声立即以其迅雷不及掩耳的速度穿过耳膜,冲进大脑,随大脑丰富的血液流淌至双肺,它又混合了清晨清新的空气来

    2008-01-24 编辑:admin

  • [音乐咖啡厅] 音乐咖啡厅:You Don't Miss Your&

    [点击试听] "You Don’t Miss Your Water Til The Well Runs Dry"直到井水都干涸了,你才会想念它就象我们常犯的一个错误拥有的时候不懂得珍惜直到失去..才知道珍贵You Don’t Miss Your Water (Til The Well R

    2008-01-24 编辑:admin

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