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  • [总统演讲] 总统演讲:Bush's speech about w

    Good morning. In times of war, Congress has no greater obligation than funding our war fighters. And next week, the House will begin debate on an emergency war spending bill. The purpose of this legi

    2007-05-16 编辑:admin

  • [总统演讲] 总统演讲:Bush's speech on his&

    Good morning. Today, Laura and I are in Latin America, where we are visiting five countries: Brazil, Uruguay, Colombia, Guatemala, and Mexico. These countries are part of a region that has made great

    2007-05-16 编辑:admin

  • [总统演讲] 总统演讲:Bush's speech on Va.T

    Good morning. This week, the thoughts and prayers of millions of Americans are with the victims of the Virginia Tech attacks. We mourn promising lives cut short. We pray for the wounded. And we send

    2007-05-16 编辑:admin

  • [总统演讲] 总统演讲:Pres. Bush celebrates Ame

    Thank you all. Thank you, Justice O'Connor. Laura and I are really happy to join you today. This state is known at the "Mother of Presidents," which reminds me, I needed to call my Mo..

    2007-05-16 编辑:admin

  • [总统演讲] 总统演讲:Bush's speech on vete

    Good morning. One of my most solemn experiences as President is visiting men and women recovering from wounds they suffered in defense of our country. Spending time with these wounded warriors is als

    2007-04-09 编辑:admin

  • [总统演讲] 总统演讲:Bush's speech on nati

    Good morning. This week, I appeared before Congress to report on the state of our union. I asked members of the House and Senate from both sides of the aisle to join me in confronting the great chall

    2007-04-09 编辑:admin

  • [总统演讲] 总统演讲:Bush's speech on nati

    THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. For many Americans, the new year began with a resolution to live a better and healthier life. Whatever goals you have set for yourself this year, one goal we can all shar

    2007-04-09 编辑:admin

  • [总统演讲] 总统演讲:President Bush's speech&nb

    (January.13 ,2007)Good morning. On Wednesday night, I addressed the Nation from the White House to lay out a new strategy that will help Iraq's democratic government succeed. America's new..

    2007-03-22 编辑:admin

  • [总统演讲] 总统演讲:President Bush's speech&nb

    Good morning. As families across our Nation gather to celebrate Christmas, Laura and I send our best wishes for the holidays. We hope that your Christmas will be blessed with family and fellowship. A

    2007-03-22 编辑:admin

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