[经济学人综合] 《经济学人》:欧洲的债务援助行动,远未解决
Europe's debt saga欧洲的债务援助行动Every which way but solved远未解决A bail-out strategy as bankrupt as Greece should be ditched. It probably won’t be本应放弃像希腊一样没有偿债能力的纾困措施。但也2011-05-27 编辑:sunny
[经济学人综合] 《经济学人》:双胞胎母亲更幸福
Mothers of twins do not just get twice the bundle of joy—they are also healthier than other mothers拥有双胞胎的母亲不仅能得到双份的快乐,而且她们会比其她母亲更健康。THROUGHOUT history, twins have pr2011-05-27 编辑:sunny
[经济学人综合] 《经济学人》:太阳能,第三种方法
Solar power太阳能The third way第三种方法A new method of making electricity from sunlight has just been tested 一种从太阳光得到能源的新方法正在尝试AT THE moment, there are two reliable ways to make el2011-05-26 编辑:sunny
[经济学人综合] 《经济学人》:日本经济,使命在身
Japan's economy日本经济On a mission使命在身A rare reformist zeal is emerging in post-quake Japan. The government ignores it at the country’s peril 震后日本出现了少见的改革热情。政府不顾国家安危,对2011-05-26 编辑:sunny
[经济学人综合] 《经济学人》:荒唐的条例,对无牌室内设计师的可怕威胁
SchumpeterRules for fools荒唐的条例The terrible threat of unlicensed interior designers对无牌室内设计师的可怕威胁May 12th 2011 | from the print editionIN 1941 Franklin Roosevelt added two new items t2011-05-25 编辑:sunny
[经济学人综合] 《经济学人》:出售音乐公司,塞壬之歌
Selling music companies 出售音乐集团Siren song 塞壬之歌No one wants to pay for music. Yet investors are splurging on music firms人们不想为听歌付费,但投资者们仍在音乐公司上挥霍May 12th 2011 | from th2011-05-25 编辑:sunny
[经济学人综合] 《经济学人》:微软天价收购Skype
Microsoft's gamble微软的赌博A big phone bill微软天价收购SkypeThe price that Microsoft is paying for Skype looks high 微软将向Skype支付天价收购金May 12th 2011 | SAN FRANCISCO | from The Economist pri2011-05-24 编辑:sunny
[经济学人综合] 《经济学人》:互联网商业,又一轮的数字淘金热
Internet businesses互联网商业Another digital gold rush又一轮的数字淘金热Internet companies are booming again. Does that mean it is time to buy or to sell? 互联网公司再次勃兴。这是否意味着买入或者卖出2011-05-24 编辑:sunny
[经济学人综合] 《经济学人》:向道路杀手宣战
Global road safety全球道路安全Fighting road kill 向道路杀手宣战The WHO has a plan to make the world’s roads less lethal 世界卫生组织已经制订了一个计划,旨在减少道路死亡May 12th 2011 | NEW YORK | fro2011-05-23 编辑:sunny