[幽默故事] 英文幽默:Have You Ceased Beating&n
Have You Ceased Beating Your Wife? 你停止打你老婆了吗?This story is told of a browbeating counsel, who habitually endeavored to terrorize his opponent's witnesses. One witness rather tended to prefa2008-04-08 编辑:echo
[幽默故事] 英文幽默:How Long, Doctor? 要多久,医生?
When the surgeon came to see his blonde patient on the day after her operation, she asked him somewhat hesitantly just how long it would be before she could resume her sex life.Uh, I hadn't rea..2008-04-08 编辑:echo
[幽默故事] 英文幽默:A Trip to Disney迪斯尼之旅
On a trip to Disney World in Florida, my husband and I and our two children devoted ourselves wholeheartedly to the wonders of this attraction. After three exhausting days, we headed for home. As we2008-04-08 编辑:echo
[幽默故事] 英文幽默:Good Choice选得真不错!
一天,两个工程系的学生在校园里碰面了。一个大声地招呼另一个:“嗨!这单车真棒!你在哪弄到的?” “哦”另一个回答,“有一天,我在去教室的路上遇到一个年轻漂亮的姑娘骑着这辆车,她跳下车,脱掉所有的衣服,2008-04-08 编辑:echo
[牛牛幽默英语记四级单词] 牛牛幽默英语记四级单词:Apply申请,实施
Apply(动词)涂抹;申请;实施谐音:鹅破(赖);联想:鹅为了申请工作,打破了无赖的头。A169、场景再现:汽车标贴:Caution! Driver's applying make-up 注意!司机正在化妆。注:贴这样标贴的司机可能是一位爱漂2008-03-30 编辑:admin
[牛牛幽默英语记四级单词] 牛牛幽默英语记四级单词:Application申请
Application(名词)申请,申请表谐音:矮破篱(kei)申;联想:矮矮的破篱笆可以申请围院子的工作。A168、场景再现:诚实的应聘者。An applicant was filling out a job application. When he came to the question,2008-03-30 编辑:admin
[牛牛幽默英语记四级单词] 牛牛幽默英语记四级单词:Applicant申请人
Applicant(名词)申请人谐音:(矮)破篱恳特;联想:矮矮的破篱笆恳请当一个特殊的保镖申请人。A167、场景再现:responsible(负责任的;有责任的)一词造成幽默。Employer to applicant: "In this job we need so2008-03-30 编辑:admin
[牛牛幽默英语记四级单词] 牛牛幽默英语记四级单词:Applause鼓掌
Applause(名词)鼓掌,掌声谐音:鹅破(劳)死;理解:鹅拼命鼓掌,手都破了,劳累至丝。A165、场景再现:舞台上想要观众鼓掌时可以这么说:I love applause. I really do. In fact, if there’s one thing that wou2008-03-30 编辑:admin
[牛牛幽默英语记四级单词] 牛牛幽默英语记四级单词:Appetizing美味可口的
Appetizing(形容词)美味可口的,促进食欲的A164、场景再现:语言的歧义。Good restaurant: Fine food expertly served by waitresses in appetizing forms.好饭馆:香喷喷的饭菜由女服务员以令人垂涎欲滴的形式端2008-03-30 编辑:admin