[NPR News 2012年11月] NPR讲解附字幕:美国支持以色列反击哈马斯袭击
正文部分 From NPR News in Washington, I'm Korva Coleman.这里是华盛顿NPR新闻,我是科瓦•科尔曼。Air raid sirens went off in Te2012-11-21 编辑:Aimee
[时事新闻] 奥巴马出访泰国 与总理英拉"打情骂俏"
President Obama is practicing a new brand of foreign relations, appearing to flirt with Thailand’s attractive prime 2012-11-21 编辑:ivy
[2012年11月CNN news] CNN讲解附字幕:奥巴马连任后首次演讲称愿妥协解决财政问题
中英文本First up, we are looking at President Obama's first news conference since he was reelected to a&nbs2012-11-20 编辑:mike
[2012年11月CRI news] CRI News Report:利比亚新政府宣誓就职 奥巴马谈前中情局长性丑闻
Libya's newly-formed government has been sworn in, with some ministers under investigation by the discipline authority,&n2012-11-19 编辑:Aimee
[时事新闻] 缅甸将在奥巴马到访前释放452名囚犯
The Burmese government says it will release hundreds of prisoners ahead of U.S. President Barack Obama's visit2012-11-17 编辑:ivy
[2012年11月CNN news] CNN讲解附字幕:奥巴马强调将医疗改革方案放在首位
中英文本Old McDonald had a farm.老麦克唐纳有一座农场。And if you could text about that fast enough, you might have 2012-11-15 编辑:mike
[2012年11月CNN news] CNN讲解附字幕:奥巴马总统表示富人应该缴纳更多的税
中英文本Friday, you're starting a new week with CNN student news, my names is Carl Azuz,周五,欢迎你来到CNN学生新闻全新的一周。我是卡尔2012-11-14 编辑:mike
[奥巴马演讲] 2012年美国大选奥巴马胜选演讲视频附中英文本
Tonight, more than 200 years after a former colony won the right to determine its own destiny, the task o2012-11-14 编辑:kekenet
[奥巴马演讲] 奥巴马总统每周电台演讲:总统希望两党合作继续为中产阶级减税
Hi, everybody.各位好。On Tuesday, America went to the polls.美国在周二开始了投票选举。And the message you sent was clear:你们传达的信息很明确:2012-11-13 编辑:mike