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[大千世界] 热恋亲吻鱼拒绝两地分居
Two fish deep in love[qh]热恋亲吻鱼拆散后绝食[qh]Two fish in an aquarium at Zhumadian, Henan, will kiss as soon as they see each other, just as human couples do, according to dahe.cn. The supervisor

时间:2012-01-17 编辑:jasmine

[大千世界] 沙丁鱼群"伪装"海豚求生
Dolphin shaped sardine shoal[qh]沙丁鱼群"伪装"海豚求生[qh]An enormous shoal of sardines has been photographed appearing to adopt a disguise as they swim in the formation of a dolphin. Steve De Neef p

时间:2012-01-16 编辑:jasmine

[大千世界] 大千世界:美国惊现披头士水鸟
Bird with a Beatles hairdo[qh]水鸟顶披头士发型[qh]A winged water bird's unusual appearance caused much amusement among onlookers, who said his ruffled head feathers made him look like a member of

时间:2012-01-13 编辑:jasmine

[大千世界] 泰国变性人盛事 蒂芬尼小姐选美大赛
小编物语:世界之大无奇不有,就连泰国特产变性人也要赶着海选竞赛的潮流,评出个一二三来。蒂芬尼小姐(Miss Tiffany)是世界著名的变性人选美大会,每年在当地海滨度假胜地芭堤雅(泰国首都曼谷东南)举办,大批国

时间:2012-01-12 编辑:jasmine

[大千世界] 大千世界:最冷的5项世界纪录
人们似乎对"最"字打头的记录都特别感冒,什么都要争个全球第一、全世界第一。不过这类活动真所谓过犹不及,下面就为你搜罗了几个很冷的"最记录",包括最大鸡蛋、最大寿司卷……看你会不会冻坏!5 . China: World'

时间:2012-01-06 编辑:jasmine

[大千世界] 105岁自行车拍卖高价达5万英镑
Ancient bike could be worth 50,000 pounds.[qh]105岁自行车拍卖高价达5万英镑。[qh]Just 1,698 pairs of these rare cycles were produced 105 years ago, with its "unrestored" state meaning the relic could

时间:2011-12-30 编辑:jasmine

[大千世界] 大千世界:英男子捕获河中杀人巨怪
Brit catches fish that bites men's testicles.英国男子捕获大型食人鱼曾咬死多名渔民。A British angler told today how he snared a predator fish that kills men by biting off their testicles. Fearless

时间:2011-12-29 编辑:Jasmine

[大千世界] 改变世界的14大发明:胸罩与马桶入围
 What's the greatest invention since sliced cheese? Wait: Why is sliced cheese so great in the first place? Here are 14 inventions that REALLY changed the world -- cheese not included.  自从切

时间:2011-12-28 编辑:Richard

[大千世界] 大千世界:爱吹泡泡的大白鲸
I'm forever blowing bubbles: Beluga whale waves for the camera as performs tricks by pushing out circles of water.我爱吹泡泡:吹完泡泡大白鲸对着摄像机挥手。It's one thing for a whale to be ta

时间:2011-12-28 编辑:Jasmine
