[可可口语课堂] 可可口语课堂第16期:网开一面;工作成堆
2009-11-19 编辑:jessica
[可可口语课堂] "拐弯抹角"的大总结
2009-11-18 编辑:jessica
[可可口语课堂] 可可口语课堂第15期:面对棘手的任务
2009-11-18 编辑:jessica
[可可口语课堂] 可可口语课堂第14期:草草打发;坚守阵地
Give sb the runaround: treat sb badly by not telling them the truth, or by not giving them the help or the information they need, and sending them somewhere else 草草打发,敷衍了事,搪塞Residents claim2009-11-18 编辑:jessica
[可可口语课堂] 可可口语课堂第13期:已成定局,咬紧牙关应付
cut and dried:(指事情,安排或观念)固定的,已成定局by the end of the evening their plans for carrying out the robbery were cut and dried, with nothing left to chance.夜幕降临的时候他们的抢劫计划已经确定2009-11-16 编辑:jessica
[可可口语课堂] 可可口语课堂第12期:理所当然,任其发展
In the nature of things: used for saying that sth that happens is normal in a particular situation and not at all surprising 理所当然,自然,丝毫不令人奇怪Don't worry about it. It's in the nature of2009-11-13 编辑:jessica
[可可口语课堂] 可可口语课堂第11期:火冒三丈;正合我意
go through the roof1.become very angry 暴跳如雷,火冒三丈He went through the roof when I told him I'd lost the money.他气得火冒三丈.2.(of prices, numbers)rise or increase very quickly 快速上涨,猛增Pr2009-11-12 编辑:jessica
[可可口语课堂] 可可口语课堂第10期:泼冷水的人;煞风景的事物
2009-11-11 编辑:jessica
[可可口语课堂] 可可口语教室第9期:八面玲珑,弄虚作假
今天给大家介绍的第一个习语是be all things to all people/men,它的意思就是指人八面玲珑,见风使舵,面面俱到to please everyone by changing your attitudes The president's attempts to be all things to all m2009-11-10 编辑:jessica