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[快乐职场] 当老师不是一件容易的事儿(视频文本)
视频欣赏【Video】How To Become a Teacher on Howcast【Transcript】 Although the requirements vary by state, you can learn the general requirements for earning a degree in education.You Will NeedAcadem

时间:2011-05-28 编辑:vicki

[快乐职场] 办公室偷懒绝招:一整天都"犯困"(视频文本)
视频欣赏【Video】How To Stay Awake At Work on Howcast【Transcript】 Sometimes monotonous work can bore you, and sometimes you just don’t get enough sleep. Learn to stay alert if you don’t want to g

时间:2011-05-28 编辑:vicki

[快乐职场] 中国企业雄起 三公司入驻500强前十(视频文本)
【Video】【Transcript】 Fortune Magazine has released its annual list of top global 500 companies. Wal-Mart Stores secures first position, and three Chinese companies broke the top 10.《财富》杂志公布

时间:2011-05-28 编辑:vicki

[快乐职场] 6个小品质,成为办公室最受欢迎的人(视频文本)
视频欣赏【Video】How To Play Office Politics on Howcast【Transcript】Just staying out of it could stunt your career. Here’s how to jump in and get ahead – without getting burned.You Will NeedObserv

时间:2011-05-28 编辑:vicki

[快乐职场] 中国毕业大学生现状:工资水平偏低,消费不足(视频文本)
视频欣赏【Video】【Transcript】Although China's economy has been developing at a rapid pace, the income levels of China's ordinary residents, are still lagging behind. Our reporter Guan Xin takes a

时间:2011-05-28 编辑:vicki

[快乐职场] 工作中犯错时,5大成功补救措施(视频附文本)
视频欣赏【视频欣赏】How To Recover From a Work Error on Howcast【视频文本】OK, so you screwed up royally. Take a deep breath, and then follow these job-saving measures.You Will NeedHonesty An apology

时间:2011-05-28 编辑:vicki

[快乐职场] 8个小技巧,成功跨越职场面试(视频附文本)
视频欣赏【视频欣赏】How To Answer Interview Questions on Howcast【视频文本】One of the keys to getting a job is knowing how to answer the interviewer’s questions confidently and convincingly.You Wil

时间:2011-05-28 编辑:vicki

[快乐职场] 求职小锦囊:"你的最大缺点是什么?"(视频附文本)
视频欣赏【视频欣赏】How To Answer the Interview Question: 'What Is Your Biggest Weakness?' on Howcast【视频文本】Reply to this inevitable interview land mine with aplomb and get one step closer to

时间:2011-05-28 编辑:vicki

[快乐职场] 职场秘笈:讨老板欢心的6大绝招(视频附文本)
视频欣赏【视频欣赏】How To Make Yourself Indispensable At Work and Avoid Getting Laid Off on Howcast【视频文本】No one is immune to getting the axe – especially in an economic downturn. But you can

时间:2011-05-28 编辑:vicki
