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  • [BEC中级口试] 商务英语综合辅导:买新电脑

      Getting a new computer  A: Mr. Emory? I think it’s time to get a new computer.  B: Why, Christine? I think the one we have is fine.  A: For the amount of work we do on the computer these d

    2009-01-03 编辑:jason

  • [BEC中级口试] 商务英语综合辅导:帮个小忙

      Giving a helping hand  A: Hi, Alex. Would you come with me to supply? I’ve got to pick up a load of stuff and I’m afraid I can’t carry it all.  B: Sure, Stacy. Let me just grab my coat.  

    2009-01-03 编辑:jason

  • [BEC中级口试] 商务英语综合辅导:议论工作量

      Talking about work load  A: Thank God! I am finished writing that service guide! It took me forever!  B: When did you finish?  A: This morning! No more overtime, and no more headaches!  B

    2009-01-02 编辑:jason

  • [BEC中级口试] 商务英语(BEC)综合辅导:警告雇员

      Warning an employee  A: Listen, Christine, you can not afford another day off. You’ve called in sick five times in the last three weeks.  B: I know, Mr. Douglas. But I am really sick.  A:

    2009-01-02 编辑:jason

  • [BEC中级口试] 商务英语综合辅导:等待客户

      Waiting on a client  A: Alex! What are you guys doing over there?  B: What do you mean, Janice?  A: I’ve been waiting for a response on the Blake Building design for nearly two weeks.  B

    2009-01-02 编辑:jason

  • [BEC中级口试] 商务英语综合辅导:和新雇员闲谈

      Chatting with a new employee  A: Hi there, Philip. How’s everything going?  B: It’s going pretty well, but I’m really tired!  A: I don’t blame you. You’ve had a busy first week. Take a

    2009-01-02 编辑:jason

  • [BEC中级口试] 商务英语综合辅导:有效谈判技巧十四条

      美国夏威夷大学教授亨登总结出了一些行之有效的谈判技巧,其中最常用的14条是:  1.要有感染力:通过你的举止来表现你的信心和决心。这能够提升你的可信度,让对手有理由接受你的建议。  2.起点高:最初提

    2008-12-31 编辑:jason

  • [BEC中级口试] 商务英语综合辅导:成功推销的10大法门


    2008-12-31 编辑:jason

  • [BEC中级口试] 商务英语综合辅导:销售英语系列(拒绝降价)

      1. 如何说最低消费  尽管菜单都已标明最低消费,除非想被炒鱿鱼,否则顾客问起来,还是得毕恭毕敬地回答"I'm afraid the minimum charge for any first order is ¥100"(我们的最低消费是100元),而不能

    2008-12-30 编辑:jason

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