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  • [英语日常口语] 英语日常口语 Unit6:Breakfast Time

    英语日常口语 Unit6:Breakfast Time本单元是关于早饭时间的对话Tim: Morning, campers!Alice: Ooh, not so loud, my head's killing me.Michal: I feel awful too. I've got a pain in my stomach. My head hurts

    2007-07-26 编辑:admin

  • [英语日常口语] 英语日常口语 Unit7:Paying the rent

    英语日常口语 Unit7:Paying the rent本单元是关于付房租的对话Helen: Oh no, it's that time of the month again - time to pay the rent.Tim: Comes round fast enough, doesn't it?Alice: Yeah and I'm so bro

    2007-07-26 编辑:admin

  • [英语日常口语] 英语日常口语 Unit8:The newcomer

    英语日常口语 Unit8:The newcomer本单元是关于新来的客人的对话Alice: Hi Michal! Look what I found in a box, near the rubbish bins outside the hospital. Can you believe someone wanted to throw her away!

    2007-07-26 编辑:admin

  • [英语日常口语] 英语日常口语 Unit5:Helen at home

    本单元是关于海伦在家对话Helen: Hello? Mum: Hello? Helen? It's mum here. How are you my dear? Studying hard? You know how much your degree means to your father and me.Helen: I was studying before you

    2007-07-26 编辑:admin

  • [英语日常口语] 英语日常口语 Unit4:Another Round

    本单元是关于在酒吧的对话Michal: She's beautiful.Alice: What's wrong with you?Helen: Nothing! You know I think Michal really likes you.Alice: Don't be daft! He's only being polite.Helen: Do y..

    2007-07-26 编辑:admin

  • [英语日常口语] 英语日常口语 Unit2:In the flat

    本单元是关于在公寓的对话Tim: Alice this is my cousin Michal - our new flatmate. He's really missing his friends.Alice: Oh, Michal let me take your mind off that...So, where are you from?Michal: From

    2007-07-26 编辑:admin

  • [英语日常口语] 英语日常口语 Unit3:At the pub

    本单元是关于在酒吧的对话Tim: It's your round AliceAlice: What, again? Alright, what do you all want?Helen: An orange juice please. Michal: The same for me too.Tim: Oh come on Michal, you're not in

    2007-07-26 编辑:admin

  • [英语日常口语] 英语日常口语 Unit1:At the airport

     英语日常口语是一个系列英语口语对话教程,介绍住同一公寓的四位伙伴在英国生活和工作的经历,下面是关于本课程中四位公寓伙伴 Tim, Michal, Alice 和 Helen 的介绍。Tim works in a department store in the cit

    2007-07-26 编辑:admin

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