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[中式英语之鉴] 中式英语之鉴:这台缝纫机是中国制造的
262. 这台缝纫机是中国制造的。 [误] This sewing-machine is Chinese make. [正] This sewing-machine is of Chinese make.注:说何国制造而用 make 时,必须带有 of 的字样,如 of Chinese(English, American, Ja

时间:2011-05-28 编辑:echo

[中式英语之鉴] 中式英语之鉴:她入不敷出
261. 她入不敷出。 [误] Her expenditures do not correspond with her income. [正] Her expenditures do not correspond to her income.注:correspond to (something),相当,相称,相配。corrspond with(each o

时间:2011-05-28 编辑:echo

[中式英语之鉴] 中式英语之鉴:如你所知道的,人生常比做航海
260. 如你所知道的,人生常比做航海。 [误] As you know, life is often compared with a voyage. [正] As you know, life is often compared to a voyage.注:同种类的东西相比用 compare with,不同种类的东西相比

时间:2011-05-28 编辑:echo

[中式英语之鉴] 中式英语之鉴:她的服装不大入时
259. 她的服装不大入时。 [误] Her dress does not conform to the fashion. [正] Her dress does not conform with the fashion.注:conform to (custom),从(俗),依照(习惯),是有意志的,至于 conform with

时间:2011-05-28 编辑:echo

[中式英语之鉴] 中式英语之鉴:日暮途穷
258. 日暮途穷。 [误] The day is falling and the road is coming to an end. [正] The night is falling and the road is coming to an end.注:我们说的“日”英语应译作“夜”。汉语的“日暮”除译作 The night

时间:2011-05-28 编辑:echo

[中式英语之鉴] 中式英语之鉴:他的女儿嫁给一个阔人
257. 他的女儿嫁给一个阔人。 [误] His daughter married to a rich man. [正] His daughter married a rich man. . His daughter was married to a rich man.注:中国话的“嫁”或“娶”,英语都是 marry。此外,“

时间:2011-05-28 编辑:echo

[中式英语之鉴] 中式英语之鉴:全家人在九点钟上教堂去做礼拜
256. 全家人在九点钟上教堂去做礼拜。 [误] The family go to the church at 9 o\'clock. [正] The family goes to church at 9 o\'clock.注:把全家人看做一个整体,即一家人,应该接用单数动词。“去做礼拜”

时间:2011-05-28 编辑:echo

[中式英语之鉴] 中式英语之鉴:到公园去怎样走?
255. 到公园去怎样走? [误] How shall I go to the park? [正] What way shall I take to get to the park?注:How shall I go 是问怎样去法,如坐出租车去,坐公共汽车去,或坐三轮车去之类。问路应说 What way 才

时间:2011-05-28 编辑:echo

[中式英语之鉴] 中式英语之鉴:昨夜他喝得大醉
254. 昨夜他喝得大醉。 [误] He was much drunken last night. [正] He was much drunk last night.注:drunken 是一个限定形容词,只能用在名词前,如 a drunken man(醉人),不能作叙述形容词用。

时间:2011-05-28 编辑:echo
