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[可可茶话会] 可可茶话会第50期:喝酒庆祝;落选
wet a bargain 1、用请喝酒吃饭等方式招揽; 2、饮酒庆祝达成协议或交易成功。a.Mr. Jones is a negotiator with principle and you can't try to wet a bargain with him.琼斯先生是个很讲原则的谈判代表,你别想

时间:2011-06-25 编辑:Canace

[可可茶话会] 可可茶话会第49期:短裤先生
No dice 表示不同意,不可能等否定答案No dice that I will lend you money any longer since you haven't returned the money you borrowed from me last time.休想再从我这借到一个子儿,因为上次的钱你都还没还

时间:2011-06-25 编辑:Canace

[可可茶话会] 可可茶话会第48期:没人是傻瓜
nobody home/nobody's homeI was really nobody home when I turned on the tap then left home yesterday.昨天我真是脑筋少根弦——我先是打开水龙头没关,然后就出门了。nobody home 关于这个短语的来源有两个说

时间:2011-06-19 编辑:Canace

[可可茶话会] 可可茶话会第47期:疯人院;一拍即合
funny farm 疯人院(戏谑的说法)You wore shorts and slippers for a job interview meeting?Sam,I think you should go to the funny farm.你穿着短裤和拖鞋去面试吗?萨姆,我觉得你真该去疯人院的。click 一拍即

时间:2011-06-15 编辑:Canace

[可可茶话会] 可可茶话会第46期:删除;临时表演
x inThe moment when we were about to take off,it was raining cats and dogs,so we had to x out the plan of the picnic.正当我们准备启程的时候,天空下着滂沱大雨,因此我们必须取消郊游的计划了。X out 划掉

时间:2011-06-15 编辑:Canace

[可可茶话会] 可可茶话会第45期:包罗万“象”
See the elephant 开眼界、见世面It's time for me to see the elephant.我是时候见见大世面了。See pink elephants:酒醉到头昏眼花When you see pink elephants, you can't drive.当你喝醉酒时,你不能开车。wh

时间:2011-06-15 编辑:Canace

[可可茶话会] 可可茶话会第44期:半对半错;一分钱一分货
Yes and no ——You enjoyed yourself at the bar last night,didn't you?——Yes and no,I liked the music itself but hated the noise.yes and no 半对半错、既肯定又否定yes-or-no要么对要么错,非黑即白,二者

时间:2011-06-05 编辑:Canace

[可可茶话会] 可可茶话会第43期:餐券;适可而止
meal ticket 餐券,饭票;一部分人的生活来源和保障a.Nancy doesn't really love her rich boyfriend at all;she just takes him as her meal ticket.南希根本不爱她那个有钱的男友,只是把他当成能够提供生活来源

时间:2011-06-02 编辑:Canace

[可可茶话会] 可可茶话会第42期:你是哪种“土豆”?
couch potato 整日沉溺于电视的人mouse potato 鼠标土豆potato-finger 胖人的手指drop like a hot potato 急忙抛弃; 尽快地断绝关系clean potato / is quite the potato 最正确、适当的事物,行为正派的人not the

时间:2011-05-30 编辑:Canace
