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[董贝父子] 双语小说连载:《董贝父子》第8章 Part 16
小说原文'Is your Uncle's child alive?' asked Berry.[qh]您舅舅的女儿活着吗?贝里问道。[qh]'Yes, Miss, she is alive,' returned Mrs Wickam with an air of triumph, for it was evident.

时间:2012-02-02 编辑:Daisy

[董贝父子] 双语小说连载:《董贝父子》第8章 Part 15
小说原文Why, he's not ugly when he's awake,' observed Berry.[qh]唔,他醒着的时候也不难 看,贝里评论道。[qh]'No, Ma'am. Oh, no. No more was my Uncle's Betsey Jane,' said Mr

时间:2012-02-01 编辑:Daisy

[董贝父子] 双语小说连载:《董贝父子》第8章 Part 13
But it was generally said that Mrs Pipchin was a woman of system with children; and no doubt she was. Certainly the wild ones went home tame enough, after sojourning for a few months beneath her hosp

时间:2012-01-30 编辑:Daisy

[董贝父子] 双语小说连载:《董贝父子》第8章 Part 12
小说原文After tea, Berry brought out a little work-box, with the Royal Pavilion on the lid, and fell to working busily; while Mrs Pipchin, having put on her spectacles and opened a great volume bound

时间:2012-01-29 编辑:Daisy

[董贝父子] 双语小说连载:《董贝父子》第8章 Part 11
小说原文'It's a very nasty one,' said Paul.[qh]这是个很讨厌的房屋,保罗说道。[qh]'There's a worse place in it than this though,' said Mrs Pipchin, 'where we shut up our ba

时间:2012-01-28 编辑:Daisy

[董贝父子] 双语小说连载:《董贝父子》第8章 Part 10
小说原文The Castle of this ogress and child-queller was in a steep by-street at Brighton; where the soil was more than usually chalky, flinty, and sterile, and the houses were more than usually britt

时间:2012-01-20 编辑:Daisy

[董贝父子] 双语小说连载:《董贝父子》第8章 Part 9
'Oh! Exclusion itself!' said Miss Tox.[qh]啊!不合条件的孩子它是不收的!托克斯小姐说道。[qh]There was something in this. Mrs Pipchin's husband having broken his heart of the Peruvian mine

时间:2012-01-19 编辑:Daisy

[董贝父子] 双语小说连载:《董贝父子》第8章 Part 8
'Who is Mrs Pipchin, Louisa?' asked Mr Dombey; aghast at this familiar introduction of a name he had never heard before.[qh]皮普钦太太是谁,路易莎?董贝先生问道,他对这样随随便便地介绍一位他以

时间:2012-01-17 编辑:Daisy

[董贝父子] 双语小说连载:《董贝父子》第8章 Part 6
故事原文'With your usual happy discrimination, my dear Paul,' resumed Mrs Chick, 'you have hit the point at once. Our darling is altogether as stout as we could wish. The fact is, that hi

时间:2012-01-13 编辑:Daisy
