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  • [专业八级常用政治术语] 专业八级常用政治术语第10讲

    "台独" taiwan's "independence" 和平与发展peace and development 冷战cold war 世界多极化、经济全球化world multi-polarization and economic globalization 联合国宪章UN Charter

    2009-07-10 编辑:memeyyr

  • [专业八级词汇天天记] 专业八级词汇天天记第10讲

    strata n. 地层,(组织的)层,社会阶层?reconciliation n. 和解,调和;一致;勉强接受He was taken up with the reconciliation of husband and wife.他忙于做夫妻间的调解工作。prorata n. 按比例分配,摊派comp

    2009-07-10 编辑:memeyyr

  • [美文背诵] 美文背诵:就职演讲(节选)

    We observe today not a victory of party, but a celebration of freedom, symbolizing an end, as well as a beginning; signifying renewal, as well as change. For I have sworn before you and Almighty God

    2009-07-10 编辑:memeyyr

  • [汉译英] 专八汉译英第20期:成为圣者的秘诀

    中文【中文】The secret of being a saint (revised by Uncle Yeti)从前,在一个国家里,有一位做了无数善事的善心者。国王非常欣赏他的善举,便封他为圣者。有一天,圣者过八十大寿,国王前来庆贺,特别带来一位画

    2009-07-10 编辑:memeyyr

  • [英译汉] 容易误译的英语第30讲:with

    He left his pet dog with Billie.[误译] 他把他的爱犬和Billie一起留下就走了。[原意] 他把爱犬交给Billie照顾。[说明] 本例中的with(介词)意为“由……照顾”之意。

    2009-07-10 编辑:memeyyr

  • [改错练习] 专业八级改错练习第36期

    练习【练习】The violence within a society is controlled through institutionsof law. The most developed a legal system becomes, the more __1societies takes responsibility for the discovery, control, a

    2009-07-10 编辑:memeyyr

  • [人文练习] 英语专业八级人文知识练习附讲解第30期

    练习【练习】1__ Percy Bysshe Shelly is famous for ___.  A Ode to a Skylark and Ode to a Nightingale  B Ode on a Grecian Urn and Ode to the West Wind  C Ode to a Nightingale and Ode on a Grecian

    2009-07-10 编辑:memeyyr

  • [美国文学] 英语专业八级人文知识美国文学第27讲

    114、Le Roi Jones勒罗依·琼斯1934-诗集:The Dead Lecturer已故的讲师Black Magic黑色魔术(Incident事件)剧本:DutchmanThe SlaveThe Motion of History历史的运动

    2009-07-10 编辑:memeyyr

  • [英美文化小贴士] 英美文化小贴士第25讲:农业革命

    18世纪末、19世纪初的农业革命(Agricultural Changes)期间,随着《圈地法》(the Enclosure Act)的颁布,传统的“开放田地制”(“open-field” system)结束。圈地运动持续了将近一个多世纪。英国的农业革命着重

    2009-07-10 编辑:memeyyr

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