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[探索发现] 探索发现:荒野求生,走出金伯利(4)
Temperatures in the outback of Australia have been known to reach up to 57 degrees Celsius. That’s over 130 degrees Fahrenheit. It’s unbearably hot. And the search-and-rescue guys say if someone is

时间:2012-06-11 编辑:melody

[探索发现] 探索发现:荒野求生,走出金伯利(3)
This looks like an all right place to climb down. The only thing is climbing like this when you’re unroped, and you’re on your own is probably the most unforgiving thing you can do. And it just mea

时间:2012-06-08 编辑:melody

[探索发现] 探索发现:荒野求生,走出金伯利(2)
It's suddenly just so hot. It's quite nice and cool in the breeze of like 100-mile-an-hour slipstream. But suddenly you realize it is very, very hot. And it's also just huge.

时间:2012-06-06 编辑:melody

[探索发现] 探索发现:荒野求生,走出金伯利(1)
I am Bear Grylls. I've served with the British Special Forces. I've climbed to the summit of Everest and crossed the frozen oceans of the Arctic. Now, I'm in the Australia&

时间:2012-06-05 编辑:melody

[托福阅读] 托福阅读材料:现代人对于火星的探索
 如果有个人对时尚很不敏感,我们就说他是“火星来的”,我们也会经常调侃自己:我要回火星去了;我是火星人。这说明,我们对火星都很感兴趣,确实,近年来,各国对火星的探索一直都没有停过。  Phoenix will be

时间:2012-05-29 编辑:Daisy

[探索发现] 宇宙的形成:大爆炸(8)
In just a fraction of a second after the Big Bang, the building blocks of our Universe begin to take shape. But this first matter is like nothing we see today.大爆炸后短短的一瞬间,宇宙的组成元素开始

时间:2012-06-16 编辑:melody

[科技动态] 科技动态:新一轮的月球探索
Now from the Boston Museum of Science Sci-tech today on NECN.有线新闻波士顿消息。We are headed to the moon on Sci-tech today. NASA recently launched two robotic missions in an effort to learn more ab

时间:2012-05-04 编辑:Jasmine

[CCTV9] 探索发现:以色列发现烟草有助于疟疾治疗
Tobacco has long been blamed for causing fatal lung disease, but now the plant may be used to save lives. Israeli researchers have genetically engineered tobacco plants, to produce the anti-malaria

时间:2012-01-10 编辑:mike

[CCTV9] 探索发现:气候变化对水资源的影响
There is now little doubt that the earth climate is changing. What would be the impact on the supply of fresh water? Devastating droughts ravaging huge areas of Asia and Africa and scenes of som

时间:2011-12-30 编辑:mike
