[四级阅读综合辅导] 专家支招2011年12月英语四级阅读完全手册
存在问题 第一,读不懂 所谓读不懂,就是考生拿过文章,满头雾水,即使硬着头皮读文章,也是一知半解。然后匆忙做题,仅凭感觉去蒙,因此做题准确率必然不高。 第二,读不快 读不快表现为,文章读完2011-12-14 编辑:Daisy
[四级阅读综合辅导] 四级考试阅读易混单词辨析(6)
16.apparatus, appliance, equipment, facility, instrument都含有一定的"器具"之意apparatus 指"一套仪器,一套器械,装置"appliance 通常指需要动力才能操作的家用电器和装置等equipment 指"设备,装备"facility (pl2011-12-14 编辑:Daisy
[四级阅读综合辅导] 四级考试阅读易混单词辨析(5)
13.ample, adequate, plentiful, sufficient 都含有一定的"足够,丰富"之意ample 指不仅能达到应有的程度,满足需要,而且还有余,一般不修饰数量不定的名词( ample time充裕的时间; an ample basket of fruit满满一篮水2011-12-12 编辑:Daisy
[四级阅读综合辅导] 四级考试阅读易混单词辨析(4)
10. alter, change, convert, modify, shift, transform, vary都含有一定的"改变"之意alter 改变,变更,指衣服等表面或局部做部分变动,而没有变成另一种事物change 改变,变更,指位置,性质,外表,形式或是数量与质量等2011-12-09 编辑:Daisy
[英语四级阅读理解精读附讲解] 大学英语四级考试精读荟萃100篇(44):露天演出的服装
阅读理解 Pageants are usually conceived on a fairly large scale, often under the auspices of some local or civic authority or at any rate in connection with local groups of some kind. This sometim2011-11-22 编辑:Daisy
[英语四级阅读理解精读附讲解] 大学英语四级考试精读荟萃100篇(43):自然界中的保护色
阅读理解 Cryptic coloring is by far the commonest use of color in the struggle for existence. It is employed for the purpose of attack (aggressive resemblance or anticryptic coloring ) as well as2011-11-18 编辑:Daisy
[英语四级阅读理解精读附讲解] 大学英语四级考试精读荟萃100篇(42):宗教与理性
阅读理解 Yet the difference in tome and language must strike us, so soon as it is philosophy that speaks: that change should remind us that even if the function of religion and that of reason coinci2011-11-17 编辑:Daisy
[英语四级阅读理解精读附讲解] 大学英语四级考试精读荟萃100篇(41):电的影响
阅读理解 Can electricity cause cancer? In a society that literally runs on electric power, the very idea seems preposterous. But for more than a decade, a growing band of scientists and journalists2011-11-16 编辑:Daisy
[四级阅读综合辅导] 四级考试阅读易混单词辨析(3)
7.acknowledge, admit, concede, confess, recognize都含有一定的承认之意acknowledge 着重公开承认,常用来指过去曾隐瞒或否认的事admit 是指在压力下不得不承认已经证实或难以否认的事实,供认(事实,错误等)concede2011-11-16 编辑:Daisy