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  • [环球之旅] 世界之旅:方丘,蒙大拿州

    【英文原文】Square Butte, Montana, 1986"Courted by an early moon, Square Butte unfolds in spacious grandeur 20 miles [32 kilometers] west of Great Falls. A backdrop in numerous Russell paintings, th

    2009-07-13 编辑:memeyyr

  • [环球之旅] 世界之旅:干鲟鱼,土库曼斯坦

    【英文原文】 Drying Sturgeon, Turkmenistan, 1999"A Turkmen woman hangs sturgeon steaks to dry on the island of Gyzylsuw. Two hours by slow boat Turkmenbashy, Turkmenistan's largest port, Gyzylsu..

    2009-07-07 编辑:memeyyr

  • [环球之旅] 世界之旅:竞技场的夜景,罗马,意大利

    【英文原文】Colosseum Nightscape, Rome, Italy, 1970"Memory-haunted arena of the ancients, Rome's 1,900-year-old Colosseum saw bloody gladiatorial duels, battles with wild beasts, and mock naval ..

    2009-07-01 编辑:memeyyr

  • [环球之旅] 世界之旅:阿塞拜疆的清真寺

    【英文原文】Azerbaijan Mosque, Azerbaijan, 1999"Mosques again flourish in Azerbaijan, a mostly Muslim country that saw all but 18 of its 2,000 mosques shut down under Soviet rule. Their traditions m

    2009-06-29 编辑:memeyyr

  • [环球之旅] 世界之旅:喷气式飞机的定时曝光,加利福尼亚州

    【英文原文】 Palmdale, California, Jet Time Exposure, 1977"The magnificent jet propels air safety to new heights, yet accidents still occur. Records show that takeoff and landing remain the critical

    2009-06-24 编辑:memeyyr

  • [环球之旅] 世界之旅:毛茸茸的疯草,犹他州

    【英文原文】 Utah, Wooly Locoweed, 1999"A pretty poison, woolly locoweed, flowering during autumn, can make cattle that eat its toxic leaves go berserk and die." —From "Celebrating Canyon C..

    2009-06-10 编辑:memeyyr

  • [环球之旅] 世界之旅:反偷猎者,印度

    【英文原文】 India, Anti-Poachers, 1997"Setting forests aside for tigers is one thing, ensuring that they remain protected is something else again. Protecting wildlife from poachers requires strict

    2009-06-08 编辑:memeyyr

  • [大千世界] 世界十大遭掠夺文物

    Part 1Top 10 Plundered Artifacts世界十大遭掠夺文物1:中国兽首 Chinese BronzesThe recent attempt to sell a pair of brass Chinese animal heads took an inventive turn after they were put up for auction

    2009-03-18 编辑:sunny

  • [环球之旅] 世界之旅:Sun Moon Lake(日月潭)

    Surrounded by green mountains, Sun Moon Lake is the pearl of Central Taiwan. Sun Moon Lake is the largest natural lake in Taiwan. The Eastern part of the lake is round like the sun, while the Wester

    2008-07-24 编辑:echo

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