您现在的位置: 首页 > 热门标签 总共有: 675 条记录
- [综合] 经济学人:用绘画保命的柬埔寨人凡纳
- Obituary;Vann Nath讣告;凡纳Vann Nath, a Cambodian who painted to stay alive, died on September 5th, aged 65凡纳,用绘画保命的柬埔寨人,9月5日去世,享年65岁When he was 52, with a hand that still tre
时间:2012-08-03 编辑:melody

- [综合] 经济学人:余音袅袅在海滩
- Books and Arts; Music Review;文艺;音乐评论;The Aldeburgh World Orchestra奥德伯格世界交响乐团Beach music余音袅袅在海滩120 players from 35 countries have a ball来自35个国家的120名音乐家齐聚一堂开part
时间:2012-08-02 编辑:melody

- [综合] 经济学人:大不列颠的陨落
- Books and Arts;文艺;Britain's third-world economy英国的第三世界经济Relegation for Albion大不列颠的陨落Going South: Why Britain Will Have A Third World Economy By 2014. By Larry Elliott and D
时间:2012-08-01 编辑:melody

- [综合] 经济学人:资深美国参议院议员罗伯特·伯德
- Obituary;Robert Byrd讣告;罗伯特·伯德Robert C. Byrd, doyen of the United States Senate, died on June 28th, aged 92罗伯特·C·伯德,资深美国参议院议员,逝世于6月28日,享年92岁WHENEVER Robert Byrd wa
时间:2012-07-31 编辑:melody
- [关注社会] 全球商业领袖对英国经济表示焦虑
- The world's top business leaders are using their visit to the London Olympics to raise tough questions about the coalition's management of Britain's stagnant economy and the c
时间:2012-07-30 编辑:justxrh

- [综合] 经济学人: 简·奥斯汀 迷中之谜
- Books and Arts; Book Review;Jane Austen文艺;书评;简·奥斯汀A puzzle inside an enigma迷中之谜Cults, cultures and one-upmanship崇拜,文化,胜人一筹What Matters in Jane Austen? Twenty Crucial Puzzles
时间:2012-07-30 编辑:melody
- [综合] 经济学人:英国作家艾伦·西利托
- Obituary;Alan Sillitoe讣告;艾伦·西利托Alan Sillitoe, writer, died on April 25th, aged 82英国作家艾伦·西利托于2010年4月25日辞世,享年82岁English working men had been heard from before. Piers Plowma
时间:2012-07-31 编辑:melody

- [留学资讯] 爱尔兰留学:经济担保的注意事项
- 爱尔兰作为欧洲地区除英国以外纯正的讲英语的国家,以其学历、教育和费用等方面的优势越来越受到中国学生的认可。在自费留学申请签证时,提供出充足合理的经济担保材料是至关重要的,有部分申请人存款数额够了,
时间:2012-07-27 编辑:Amy
- [综合] 经济学人:只为重建信心 For those who have lost faith
- Books and Arts; Book Review;Rehabilitating capitalism文艺;书评;振兴资本主义For those who have lost faith只为重建信心Why Capitalism? By Allan Meltzer.《为何是资本主义?》作者:Allan MeltzerA Capital
时间:2012-07-27 编辑:melody