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- [综合] 经济学人:古典音乐—音乐的魔术
- Books and Arts;Book Review;Classical music;Conjurors;文艺;书评;古典音乐;音乐的魔术;Music as Alchemy: Journeys with Great Conductors and Their Orchestras.音乐就像点石成金——一段与伟大的指挥家和乐
时间:2012-06-27 编辑:melody

- [时事新闻] BIS:全球经济陷入"恶性循环"
- The global economy is experiencing a "vicious cycle" in which the efforts of governments, households, businesses and the financial sector to reduce their debts are worsening each others&
时间:2012-06-25 编辑:justxrh

- [经济] VOA视频:随着经济不景气希腊出现赈济处
- As Greece approaches five years of recession, the number of its citizens unable to provide food for themselves is increasing. Soup kitchens in Athens used to be the preserve of undocumented immigran
时间:2012-06-25 编辑:Daisy
- [综合] 经济学人:英国二战女特工南希·威克
- Obituary;Nancy Wake; 讣告;南希·威克;Nancy Wake—saboteur and special agent, died on August 7th, aged 98.南希·威克——二战间功勋卓越的英国间谍特工,8月7日去世,享年98岁。Convivial, and not averse
时间:2012-06-25 编辑:melody

- [综合] 经济学人:沙滩上的爱因斯坦
- Books and Arts; Opera review; Einstein on the beach;文艺;歌剧评论;沙滩上的爱因斯坦;Breaking the waves; An avant-garde opera on a rare world tour.乘风破浪;一部先锋歌剧正在进行世界巡演,机会难得。
时间:2012-06-21 编辑:melody

- [心灵鸡汤] 经济学告诉你:关于幸福的10件事
- Money can buy happiness, but up to what point? And does working more make us miserable? And will you be happier if you start your own company? Here's what the research tells us...金钱可以买到
时间:2012-06-20 编辑:justxrh

- [新闻热词] 热词学习:Aerospace economy 太空经济
- 美国空间技术产业已经创造了2万多亿美元的巨额利润,而中国航天产业2010年总收入刚刚步入1000亿元大关,中国的太空经济还有很大的发展空间。请看中国日报网报道:The successful launch of the Shenzhou Ⅸ spacecr
时间:2012-06-20 编辑:justxrh

- [综合] 经济学人:地毯哲学家雷·安德森
- Obituary;Ray Anderson;讣告;雷·安德森;Ray Anderson, America's greenest businessman, died on August 8th, aged 77.雷·安德森,美国最具环保意识的生意人,于8月8日逝世,享年77岁。 WHEN Ray And
时间:2012-06-20 编辑:melody

- [综合] 经济学人:科学究竟有什么用?
- Books and Artts; Book review;文艺;书评;Conundrums of science;科学谜题;What is it for?科学究竟有什么用?Scinece in the 20th century and beyond; by Jon Agar;20世纪后科学;乔·艾格著;SCIENCE works w
时间:2012-06-19 编辑:melody