[2011年MTI考研真题] 2011北京师范大学MTI翻译硕士真题(回忆版)
翻译硕士英语 1. 20个单项选择 主要考察单词和词组,不考察语法,考了ecstacy,incentive,prevalent等等。这题需要大家扩充词汇量。2014-01-09 编辑:Andersen
[2011年MTI考研真题] 2011南京大学MTI翻译硕士真题(回忆版)
翻译硕士英语:与去年的南大卷子相比,题型是一样的,总共三题:第一题是proof-reading,也就是改错,是关于speech和whistle的一篇article,感觉第一遍看下来没什么错误,2014-01-08 编辑:Andersen
[2011年MTI考研真题] 2011年福建师范大学MTI翻译硕士真题(回忆版)
翻译里头考到PPI CPI,FBI CDMA, high five,NATO,PPT,等。还有信访局,全国重点文物保护中心,双规,离岛免税政策,国外游客退税,呜呜祖拉,漏油,鸟巢等。2013-12-30 编辑:Andersen
[CATTI二级笔译] 真题:2011年11月CATTI二级笔译实务及参考译文
Can we have our fish and eat it too? An unusual collaboration of marine ecologists and fisheries management scientists says the answer may be yes.2013-08-20 编辑:Andersen
[CATTI二级笔译] 真题:2011年5月CATTI二级笔译实务及参考译文
Farms go out of business for many reasons, but few farms do merely because the soil has failed. That is the miracle of farming. If you care for the soil, it will last — and yield — nearly forever.2013-08-16 编辑:Andersen
[CATTI三级笔译] 真题:2011年11月CATTI三级笔译实务(附参考译文)
This month, the United Nations Development Program made water and sanitation the centerpiece of its flagship publication, the Human Development Report.2013-06-05 编辑:Andersen
[CATTI三级笔译] 真题:2011年5月CATTI三级笔译实务(附参考译文)
The prehistoric monument of Stonehenge stands tall in the British countryside as one of the last remnants of the Neolithic Age.2013-06-05 编辑:Andersen
[科技动态] 科技动态:不用带眼镜,东芝裸眼3D电视随便看
It's Monday, Jan.10th. I'm Nateli Morris. And it's time to get loaded. The 2011 Consumer Electronic Show&nbs2012-10-09 编辑:Jasmine
[简爱] 重温经典《简爱》2011版第91期:脱离"穷"海
边睹边读影视片花台词欣赏Rochester: Jane.JaneRivers: Miss Eyer.Eyer小姐Jane: What brings you from your hearth on a night like this? There is no bad news, I hope.您怎么突然在晚上到访 希望不是什么坏消息2012-08-21 编辑:Ballet
[简爱] 重温经典《简爱》2011版第90期:费尔法克斯太太的劝诫奏效吗?
影视片花台词欣赏Jane: Am I a monster?我是妖怪吗Is it so impossible that Mr. Rochester should love me?为什么罗切斯特先生不可能真心爱我Fairfax: No.我没这么说I've long noticed you were a sort of pet2012-08-20 编辑:Ballet