[求职英语口语实战] 学求职英语 轻松进外企第14期:闲聊几句
Marianne: You would be using mainly English in this job. Do you think you can make yourself understood in English with ease?Sun Min: Yes, I think I speak English quite fluently. I've often expl..2011-07-29 编辑:Richard
[求职英语口语实战] 学求职英语 轻松进外企第13期:问英语基本功
Tom: Employees in this company have to have a good command of English. Do you think you are proficient in both written and spoken English?Qian Wei: Yes, I think I am quite proficient in both written2011-07-28 编辑:Richard
[求职英语口语实战] 学求职英语 轻松进外企第12期:问在校职务
William: Were you in a leadership position when you were a college student?Lin Qing: Yes. I was president of the Student Council of our university. William: Did you get any honors or awards at your u2011-07-27 编辑:Richard
[英文简历技巧] 写作技巧:轻松打造漂亮的英文简历
知名国际企业录用人才的程序严格,大多数人都是以一份中英文简历开始塑造他在公司的形象。而对于大型跨国企业,英文简历(resume)的制作尤为重要,它可能决定求职者能否进入面试,能否有真正展露自己才华的机会。不2011-07-27 编辑:Richard
[求职英语口语实战] 学求职英语 轻松进外企第11期:问工作业绩
Hook: Now please tell me something about your achievements in your work unit.Jiang Li: All right. In my first teaching position I received the Excellent Teaching award the past two years in successi2011-07-26 编辑:Richard
[英文简历技巧] 写作技巧:英文简历的几种常见形式
英语简历并无固定不变的单一形式,应聘者完全可以根据个人的具体情况来确定采用何种形式,灵活设计。一般来说,根据个人经历的不同侧重点,可以选用以下三种形式: (1)以学历为主的简历 basic resume 这种形式2011-07-26 编辑:Richard
[求职英语口语实战] 学求职英语 轻松进外企第10期:问驾车意愿
Mark: Can you drive?Xia Dan: Yes, I have a driving license.Mark: Are you willing to drive yourself if the job requires?Xia Dan: Sure.Mark: One more thing, if you are wanted in this position, you must2011-07-25 编辑:Richard
[面试英语] 华尔街面试中12个最激怒人的问题
想在华尔街工作,或者想见识一下那些顶尖金融公司的面试问题的童鞋,速速过来围观哈!下面这12个面试题是亲身参加了面试的人分享的。说说你对某个问题的高见嘛! It's hiring and firing season on Wall Street.2011-07-23 编辑:Richard
[面试英语] 揭秘世界500强最诡异的面试题
The average job interview is usually an incredibly stressful occasion at the best of times, as you battle it out with other candidates all vying for the same position. But in leaner economic times w2011-07-23 编辑:Richard