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  • [俚语口头禅] 地道美语:透视热门美剧地道口语表达(1)


    2010-02-01 编辑:jessica

  • [俚语口头禅] 课本上绝对没有的经典习语

    1. I want a baker’s dozen.“Baker's dozen”是数字“13”的意思而不是面包师那里的一打东西。2. Stop beating around the bush.“Beat around the bush”意思是说话绕圈子,拐弯抹角。3. Have you met my bette

    2010-02-01 编辑:jessica

  • [口语常用俚语] 老美经常挂在嘴边的话

    butter up对…说好话Maybe if we butter up mother, she'll let us go to the movies.如果我们对妈说点好听的,也许她会让我们去看电影.butt in插嘴,打岔Amy loves to butt in and offer her advice even when it'

    2010-02-01 编辑:jessica

  • [俚语口头禅] 老美经常挂在嘴边的话

    butter up 对…说好话Maybe if we butter up mother, she'll let us go to the movies.如果我们对妈说点好听的,也许她会让我们去看电影.butt in 插嘴,打岔Amy loves to butt in and offer her advice even when it

    2010-02-01 编辑:jessica

  • [俚语口头禅] 最不能错过的美国流行俚语

    1. ahead of the game 领先,占优势He got ahead of the game by finishing her work early.他因提早完成工作而领先他人.2.all right already 好啦好啦,别念叨啦All right already, I'm coming!好啦好啦,别念叨啦,我

    2010-02-01 编辑:jessica

  • [俚语口头禅] 最应该知道的地道美国习语

    1. roll with the punches逆来顺受You have to roll with the punches if you want to survive in this business.如果你想在这一行生存下去的话,就得逆来顺受.2. right off the bat 立刻I was all prepared to put

    2010-01-29 编辑:jessica

  • [俚语口头禅] 简单实用的日常琐碎英语

    have a passion for钟爱I have a passion for blue dresses.我钟爱蓝色的衣服.pep talk 打气,鼓励的话The coach gave his team a pep talk at half time, hoping to lead them to victory.教练在半场时候给球员们打

    2010-01-29 编辑:jessica

  • [俚语口头禅] 帅到掉渣的美国俚语习语

    put someone on the spot 让某人为难Don't put me on the spot like this. You know I can't give youconfidential information.别这样让我为难,你知道我不能给你机密资料的.racket 非法行业,挂羊头卖狗肉The pol

    2010-01-29 编辑:jessica

  • [俚语口头禅] 时尚个性的美国俚语

    by hook or by crook无论如何I've gotta finish this by five o'clock, by hook or by crook.无论如何我都得在5点前把它做完.call it quits 叫停Sometimes, I just want to call it quits.我有时真想辞职了事/有时

    2010-01-28 编辑:jessica

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