[落跑新娘] 电影随身听附讲解:《落跑新娘》(10) 玛琪闯入艾克房间
原文视听2012-07-12 编辑:jennyxie
[落跑新娘] 电影随身听附讲解:《落跑新娘》(9) 朋友闹矛盾
原文视听Safe! - I love it! - Uh-huh! 安全返垒 Good one! - Magpie! 多嘴鸟 Excellent! 打得真好! It’s nice that they’re... still friends. 他们依然是朋友倒也是件好事 Yeah, I mean, 是啊,我的意思是…2012-07-11 编辑:jennyxie
[大千世界] 夫家无厕所新娘落跑 如厕难成印度社会矛盾焦点
A young woman, who ran away from her in-laws' house for its lack of toilet, returned Wednesday - to the same house with an ultra-modern toilet and a reward of Rs.2 lakh from Sulabh Internatio2012-07-03 编辑:justxrh
[大千世界] 世界上最胖的女人嫁出去了!
For some, having a wedding dress custom-made is a luxury, but for Susanne Eman it is the only way she will be sure her gown fits。对普通人而言,婚纱定制是一种奢华的享受,但对于苏珊妮·艾曼来说,要想穿2012-05-25 编辑:Jasmine
[双语故事] 来不及说爱你:癌症准新娘婚礼90分钟前离世
She planned to marry her fiance in a beautiful country house, refusing to surrender to the cancer which she had tried so hard to beat. But a month before the wedding, Jemma Webb's condition w2012-04-10 编辑:Jasmine
[双语达人] 新娘妆十大技巧:这一天要做最美的自己
1. Flash photography emphasizes pink tones, so be sure to even out skin with a yellow toned foundation. Start around the nose and mouth where there's redness, then blend out to the rest of the..2011-08-20 编辑:Richard