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  • [可可茶话会] 可可茶话会第15期:让我给你拍张照吧

    热身运动 还记得“拍照”这个词组吗?Key:take photos◎点击播放器下方"进入Mp3下载页面"可下载音频◎可可讲解Let me get a shot of you来,让我给你拍一张照片吧Hold that pose. 请保持现在的姿势。 You are so

    2011-03-06 编辑:Canace

  • [可可茶话会] 可可茶话会第14期:工作滋味知多少

    热身运动“她是一个工作狂”怎么表达?Key: She works like a dog. 点津:狗在国外是一种勤勤恳恳精神的象征,是人类最好的朋友。◎点击播放器下方"进入Mp3下载页面"可下载音频◎可可讲解work one's fingers to

    2011-03-02 编辑:Canace

  • [可可茶话会] 可可茶话会第13期:挤牛奶的姑娘

     热身运动  A milkmaid was going to the market. She carried her milk in a pail on her head.   As she went along she began calculating what she would buy after she had sold the milk.   "I'll bu

    2011-02-27 编辑:Canace

  • [可可茶话会] 可可茶话会第12期:“忐忑不安”怎么说?

    热身运动 《忐忑》由成名歌唱家龚琳娜演唱,作曲为龚琳娜丈夫老锣(Robert Zollitsch),因其节奏变化多端,表演夸张,歌词神秘等因素,被网络赋予娱乐色彩,广大网友称之为“神曲”。可可讲解The song was praised

    2011-02-24 编辑:Canace

  • [可可茶话会] 可可茶话会第11期:山楂树之恋

    热身运动 Under the Hawthorn Tree is adapted from the love story of the same name which has been a hit on the internet since 2007. The film follows Jingqiu, a girl whose family has been under close sc

    2011-02-21 编辑:Canace

  • [可可茶话会] 可可茶话会第10期:由“大众脸”看“相貌平平”

    热身运动“女性大众脸”怎么说?Key:Miss Average.(参考:Meet Miss Average from around the world)可可讲解A beautiful wife is for others to look at, but a so so wife is yours to keep for ever.一个漂亮

    2011-02-16 编辑:Canace

  • [可可茶话会] 可可茶话会第9期:距离产生美

    热身运动 《世界上最遥远的距离》The furthest distance in the world   Is not between life and death   But when i stand in front of you   Yet you don't know that   I love you   The furthest d

    2011-02-14 编辑:Canace

  • [可可茶话会] 可可茶话会第8期:跟莎翁学成语

    热身运动莎士比亚(W. William Shakespeare;1564~1616)英国文艺复兴时期伟大的剧作家、诗人,欧洲文艺复兴时期人文主义文学的集大成者。你知道莎翁的四大悲剧和四大喜剧分别是什么吗?Key:四大悲剧——《哈姆雷特

    2011-02-11 编辑:Canace

  • [可可茶话会] 可可茶话会第7期:囚笼最常见的鸟

    热身运动脑筋急转弯:Q: What kind of birds are most frequently found in captivity?A:. Key: Jailbirds.可可讲解What kind of birds are most frequently found in captivity?frequently adv. 频繁地,经常地 ca

    2011-02-09 编辑:Canace

  • [可可茶话会] 可可茶话会第6期:此食只应天上有

    可可讲解My stomach is growling.我的肚子饿得咕咕叫。growl v. 咆哮The dog was angry and growl at the stranger. 这只狗生气了,对着陌生人咆哮。growling adj. 咆哮的,隆隆响的饥不择食 Hungry dogs will eat

    2011-02-08 编辑:Canace

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