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  • [环球之旅] 国家地理杂志精美图片:人在旅游

    Mayflower II, New York Harbor五月花II号开进纽约港Siamese dancers strike a pose in a temple courtyard暹罗的舞者们在寺庙庭院中摆出各种姿态。A beautiful place near Ranikhet, Uttranchal, India这是位于印度

    2010-09-09 编辑:beck

  • [环球之旅] 国家地理杂志精美图片:你所不知道的水下世界

    A giant green sea anemone eats a red cancer crab in a tidal pool in Washington's Clallam Bay. These carnivorous invertebrates snare their prey by firing a hooked filament into their victims, pa..

    2010-09-07 编辑:beck

  • [环球之旅] 非洲:十张美到令人窒息的图片

    Africa is maybe the most beautiful continent in the world. We find here stunning landscapes, a great diversity of animals and plants, good people and, according to some strong theories, the origin of

    2010-09-06 编辑:sunny

  • [环球之旅] 美国十大最美景观

    Grand Canyon 大峡谷Though the theory is still up for debate, experts think this colossal canyon was formed 17 million years ago, when the Colorado River carved through the gorge, eroding the rock. A

    2010-08-31 编辑:sunny

  • [环球之旅] 老外最爱十种中国菜 糖醋里脊排第一

    第一道:糖醋里脊 Sweet and Sour Pork这道菜排第一位不奇怪,酸甜混合的味道加上明亮鲜艳的外表,任谁都无法拒绝。有人答案里写着Sweet and Sour Chicken(NO PORK),看来这道菜在国外已经很好的被改良了。第二道:

    2010-08-27 编辑:sunny

  • [环球之旅] 不容错过的各国美食诱惑(图)

    Safety is the usual choice for global travelers when faced with a menu of unknown dishes. But a great meal transcends all cultural boundaries, and sharing the food of your host country is the best wa

    2010-08-26 编辑:sunny

  • [环球之旅] 世界10大最美景色

    This is probably the most beautiful places and most spectacular in the world that is very rarely seen before. From the beauty of Antarctica, the cities above the clouds, hidden beaches are spectacula

    2010-08-25 编辑:sunny

  • [环球之旅] 世界十大浪漫旅馆

    伦敦:想过一个浪漫的假期,却不知道选择哪里吗?时尚旅馆点评网史密斯夫妇(Mr & Mrs Smith)(www.mrandmrsmith.com)通过全球范围内的投票调查为您评选出十大最浪漫的旅馆。La Reserve Ramatuelle, St Tropez, Fra

    2010-08-23 编辑:sunny

  • [环球之旅] 国家地理杂志精美图片:水下缤纷世界

    正在水下觅食的白鲸A pod of beluga whales diving to feed in Hudson Bay, Manitoba, Canada. The whale nearest to the photographer is releasing air to aid its descent.在加拿大马尼托巴的胡德逊湾,一群白鲸

    2010-08-23 编辑:beck

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