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  • [环球之旅] 世界之旅:Miami, Florida, USA (美国佛罗

    迈阿密(Miami)著名的滨海城市,位于佛罗里达半岛东海岸南端。狭义上指的是最南端的地区,也叫Dowton Miami,而广义上的迈阿密,实际上是由众多的卫星城组成:北迈阿密海滩、劳德岱堡、迈阿密泉、珊瑚顶、珊瑚泉、好

    2008-03-09 编辑:echo

  • [环球之旅] 世界之旅:Grand canyon, Arizona, US


    2008-03-09 编辑:echo

  • [环球之旅] 世界之旅:Honolulu, Hawaii, USA( 美国


    2008-03-09 编辑:echo

  • [环球之旅] 世界之旅:central park, new york&nb

    纽约中央公园(Central Park)是美国景观设计之父奥姆斯特德(Frederick Law Olmsted)(1822-1903)最著名的代表作,是美国乃至全世界最著名的城市公园,它的意义不仅在于它是全美第一个并且是最大的公园,还在于在其规划

    2008-03-09 编辑:echo

  • [环球之旅] 世界之旅:Yellowstone National Park(黄石国家

    This natural wonders unparalleled beauty inspired the U.S. government to create the worlds first national park. For a young country just coming of age in the early 1800s, the discovery of Yellowstone

    2008-03-09 编辑:echo

  • [环球之旅] 世界之旅:Crocodile Farm, Thailand 

    When we went inside we went to look at some baby crocodiles in the nursery. There were a lot of baby crocodiles on top of each other. When we finished, it was time for the elephant show so we went to

    2008-03-08 编辑:echo

  • [环球之旅] 世界之旅:Niagara Falls(尼亚加拉瀑布)

    The Niagara Falls is located in the borderline between Canada and America in the east central North America, on a river that connected two of the five Great Lakes. The Niagara consists of two parts:

    2008-03-08 编辑:echo

  • [环球之旅] 世界之旅:Easter Island(复活节岛)

    Easter Island is over 2,000 miles from the nearest population center, (Tahiti and Chile), making it one of the most isolated places on Earth. A triangle of volcanic rock in theSouth Pacific - it is b

    2008-03-08 编辑:echo

  • [环球之旅] 世界之旅:The Great Wall, (万里长城)

    The Great Wall is not only the magnum opus of human being but also the soul of China!And the Badaling Great Wall is the eximious representation of The Great Wall.On the peak of the Badaling, The Grea

    2008-03-08 编辑:echo

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