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  • [总统演讲] 总统演讲:Bush's speech on N.Ko

    Good morning. Earlier this week, the government of North Korea proclaimed to the world that it had conducted a successful nuclear weapons test. In response to North Korea's provocative actions,..

    2007-03-03 编辑:admin

  • [总统演讲] 总统演讲:Bush's speech before 

    Good morning. This Monday, our Nation will mark the 5th anniversary of the attacks of September the 11th, 2001. On this solemn occasion, Americans will observe a day of prayer and remembrance, and La

    2007-03-03 编辑:admin

  • [总统演讲] 总统演讲:Bush's speech before 

    Good morning. Earlier this week, I had coffee with Rockey Vaccarella in the White House. Rockey is from Saint Bernard Parish in Louisiana, and he and his family lost everything they owned to Hurrican

    2007-03-03 编辑:admin

  • [总统演讲] 总统演讲:Bush's speech on secu

    (Aug 5,2006)Good morning. This week, my Administration met a key objective in our efforts to better secure our Nation's border.In May, I pledged to deploy up to 6,000 National Guard members to ..

    2007-03-03 编辑:admin

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