[精美英文欣赏] 精美英文欣赏:丢失记忆的男人
录音原文Terry Evanshen was one of Canadian football’s greatest receivers——a little man in a big man’s game who carried the ball for more than 10,000 yards in 14 bone-jarring seasons.He2012-02-23 编辑:beck
[科学阅读] 科普阅读:男人真的比女人更幽默吗?
In a 2007 Vanity Fair article Christopher Hitchens asked: Why are men, taken on average and as a whole, funnier than women?[qh]在2007年《名利场》杂志的一篇文章中,克里斯多弗·希钦斯提出一个问题:为什么2012-02-09 编辑:
[他她话题] 男人没钱是错吗?男人必须要钱吗?
近日,一则名为女子地铁狂骂穷男友的视频在网络上疯传,视频中的女子当众辱骂自己的男友,并称男人没钱是垃圾,而其男友却坐在一旁低头不语。引来众网友热议。甚至有人揶揄道:自己又不是李嘉欣,还要求男人是李嘉诚2011-12-04 编辑:kekenet
[可可词汇课堂] 可可词汇课堂第295期:男人不坏
malice maleA desire to harm others or to see others suffer; extreme ill will or spite.Law. The intent, without just cause or reason, to commit a wrongful act that will result in harm to anothern. 恶2011-11-29 编辑:mjusa
[日语推荐] 霸气!动漫八大勇猛彪悍的男人婆
2011-07-15 编辑:saisaike
[热门欧美歌曲精选] 热门欧美歌曲精选:Better Man 竭尽所能做个更好的男人
热门欧美歌曲精选:Better Man竭尽所能做个更好的人Better ManRobbie WilliamsSend someone to love me, I need to rest in arms Keep me safe from harm in pouring rain Give me endless summer. Lord, I fear the2007-06-24 编辑:admin