[自然百科] 自然百科:平行宇宙(4)
超弦理论是如此具有煽动性并且又带着几分神秘感2011-12-16 编辑:mike
[自然百科] 自然百科:大迁徙之繁衍生息(16)
Tonight the newly winged young would join the feeding frenzy.They are now fully fledged members of the colony,ready to investigate the bounty of this land,and dark in the dusk with breathtaking numbe2011-12-15 编辑:mike
[自然百科] 自然百科:大迁徙之繁衍生息(15)
Especially for the inexperienced young.Some freshwater crocs try to snap them in the air.Others wait for fatal mistakes.But many more make it through.And after many hours on the wing,they find their2011-12-14 编辑:mike
[自然百科] 自然百科:大迁徙之繁衍生息(14)
Everywhere the cliffs are scarred by penguin claws.They are irrepressible and undaunted by missteps and stumbles.[qh]岩壁上到处都是被企鹅爪子挠过的痕迹。虽然磕磕绊绊,步履蹒跚,但它们不可阻挡,不屈不挠2011-12-13 编辑:mike
[自然百科] 自然百科:平行宇宙(3)
在英国,著名物理学家2011-12-12 编辑:mike
[自然百科] 自然百科:平行宇宙(2)
爱因斯坦对于万物论从未到达他的目标2011-12-09 编辑:mike
[自然百科] 自然百科:平行宇宙(1)
唯一的解释是任何人都可以想出粒子不只是存在于我们的宇宙中2011-12-08 编辑:mike
[自然百科] 自然百科:大迁徙之繁衍生息(13)
由于无法离开他的后宫养育它的后代2011-12-07 编辑:mike
[自然百科] 自然百科:大迁徙之繁衍生息(12)
在短暂的三个星期,幼仔只能与母亲作伴。他的体重会重达三倍。而它的群体却缩短为原来的三分之一。2011-12-06 编辑:mike
[自然百科] 自然百科:大迁徙之繁衍生息(11)
Almost magically they form a temporary nest of their own bodies.The food are taken into the nursery at its center.Tomorrow they will do the whole thing again.Marching for 2 to 3 weeks to reach fresh2011-12-05 编辑:mike