[他她话题] 揭秘最易钓得"金龟婿"的五大职业
In Chinese, the word Jinguixu refers to a wealth, prestigioushusband (or2012-07-10 编辑:justxrh
[职场双语] 冒职业自杀的风险说实话? Should I speak up the truth?
I work for a FTSE energy company and have just taken part in a leadership conference update call (called2012-06-07 编辑:justxrh
[新闻热词] 网络钟点工成新兴职业
Online hourly professionals are becoming a newly emerging job, the Daily Business reported.《每日商报》报道,网络钟点工正成为一种新兴职业。Online chatting for 10 minutes may cost eight yuan; taking o2012-06-07 编辑:justxrh
[申请指南] 美国留学:盘点美国七大怪异多金职业
美国公布的报告显示,由于失业人数巨大,美国2009年贫困人口比例达到4360万,创15年来新高。而美国媒体16日也评选出七大怪异多金的工作,向在经济衰退期想找工作的人提供一份指引――想象一下潜水深入石油钻探平台年2012-05-17 编辑:Amy
[雅思写作范文] 雅思话题作文范文:职业运动员
雅思话题作文范文:职业运动员 Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people in other important professions. Some people think this is fully justified while other thin2012-05-07 编辑:rainbow
[职场双语] 灰领,黄领,你是什么"领"?
曾经让无数在校生向往的“白领”生活如今似乎也不那么光鲜了。倒是倡导环保的“绿领”开始吸引人们注意。听说“灰领”和“黄领”其实也不错。那么,你是什么“领”呢?Grey-collarworker refers to a skilledtechni2012-05-07 编辑:Jasmine
[迷你对话学地道口语] 迷你对话学地道口语第16期:未婚职业女性
习语:a bachelor girl讲解:Bachelor通常是指未婚男子,即单身汉,但是与girl连用时就是指未婚女人了,此语特指不依靠别人,自己维持生活的女人。目前,在英美国家,指未婚职业妇女,与汉语口语中的女强人有相似之2012-04-25 编辑:Ballet
[六级阅读辅导] 大学英语六级阅读:值得尝试的5个职业
Nobody in this planet has the perfect job. Including you. Here are the jobs that everyone, including you, should try at least once in their lives.下面的这些工作,每个人在一生中都应该至少去尝试一次。W2012-04-20 编辑:Daisy
[职场双语] 职场双语:大胆的人不适合公职?
I work for a big public sector corporation. Recently, a kind and much more senior colleague told me I would never be promoted because I am "too bold to make it to the top". He was adamant t2012-04-17 编辑:Jasmine