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  • [环球之旅] 环球之旅:2012走遍全世界(6)

    Baby Elephant and KeepersDedicated keepers at the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust's Nairobi Elephant Nursery in Kenya protect baby Shukuru from the cold and rain, and the risk of pneumonia, with a

    2012-03-07 编辑:jasmine

  • [环球之旅] 环球之旅:2012走遍全世界(5)之奇趣大自然

    Zebras, ZambiaA three-week-old zebra plays with an older zebra.赞比亚(非洲中南部国家)斑马一只三周大的斑马正在和另一只稍长的斑马嬉戏。Puffins, MainePuffins interact on Machias Seal Island off the co

    2012-02-23 编辑:jasmine

  • [环球之旅] 环球之旅:2012走遍全世界(4)之奇趣大自然

    Chameleon, IndiaI shot this in Hyderabad, India. I was lucky the chameleon didn't turn blue.印度变色龙这张照片拍摄于印度的海得拉巴(印度南部城市)。我很幸运这只变色龙没有变蓝!Lion Pride, Serenge

    2012-02-22 编辑:jasmine

  • [环球之旅] 环球之旅:2012走遍全世界(3)

    Anhinga, Everglades National ParkThis photo was taken on the Anhinga Trail, Everglades National Park. The anhinga bird had just surfaced from the stream, having skewered the fish.埃弗格莱兹国家公园(

    2012-02-10 编辑:jasmine

  • [环球之旅] 环球之旅:2012走遍全世界(2)

    Whale Shark, New Guinea"Suddenly he just jumped in!" says photographer Michael Aw. Sarmin Tangadji, the Papua police officer who escorted the photographic team to where the sharks congregate, "was so

    2012-02-03 编辑:jasmine

  • [环球之旅] 环球之旅:2012走遍全世界(1)

    Lake Malawi, Africa. A stargazer looks into the endless cosmos as waves lap along a beach in Southern Malawi.one thing came to mind : star wars! feels like its another planet.. so dark and foreign.马

    2012-01-16 编辑:jasmine

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