[双语达人] 萌宠界新秀:红小胖Snoopy
你的萌宠排行榜上还是猫叔和俊介占据前两名位置?亲,你该更新一下你的萌主排行榜了!最近网上萌宠届最萌的新星莫过于咱中国出品的萌猫红小胖Snoopy!主人给它在新浪微博上开的账号现在的粉丝已经超过9万了!只有一岁多的红小胖Snoopy是一只异国短毛猫(Exotic Shorthair),而这种猫也是大名鼎鼎的“加菲猫”的原型。大脸、大眼、肥嘟嘟也戳中了广大爱猫、爱动物网友的萌点!不少被红小胖2012-11-10 编辑:ivy
[趣图妙语] 成都熊猫宝宝集体亮相 "奥莉奥" 萌翻全场
A panda raiser shows Oreo, a giant panda cub that was recently born at the Chengdu Research Base for Gian2012-11-03 编辑:ivy
[双语达人] 小恶魔 Angry Babys:愤怒的宝宝萌照走红网络
A parenting blogger has named the Most Evil Baby of 2012 after she created a hilarious picture competition cal2012-10-31 编辑:ivy
[影视动态] 酒窝萌物、抱枕男孩:囧瑟夫杂志新照曝光
《环形使者》(Looper)正式上映在即,男主角约瑟夫·高登-莱维特(Joseph Gordon-Levitt)近期更是倍受时尚杂志宠爱。这一次,他与超模苏珊娜·迪亚兹(Suzanne Diaz)共同为《Glamour》杂志10月刊拍摄秋装大片。这组以“约会”为主题的大片由时装摄影大师尼可拉斯·摩尔(Nicolas Moore)掌镜,31岁的囧瑟夫在镜头前展露出温暖又2012-09-26 编辑:lily
[大千世界] 狗狗的目标:萌死人不偿命
COLLISION COURSEThree scoops, really? Isn't that getting a little greedy?相撞中三勺,真的吗?是不是有点贪心呢?BEGINNER'S LUCKDepends what your de2012-09-19 编辑:spring
[新闻热词] "卖萌""坑爹":英文版网络潮词汇总
"坑爹"、"伤不起"、"吐槽"均是时下年轻人经常挂在嘴边的新鲜词。这些词无论生命力多强,都给我们的语汇带来一丝喜感,给我们的生活带来一份轻松。此外,这些流行语(如"富二代&q2012-06-27 编辑:justxrh
[大千世界] 大千世界:卖萌大鲨鱼与潜水员击掌
They make an unlikely pair, but this is the moment a grinning shark and a brave diver exchange a "high-five". Eli Martinez, 40, and the laid-back lemon shark shared their special meeting in the Carib2012-03-22 编辑:jasmine
[趣图妙语] 萌物语:猫咪TV show现场实录
The first thing we saw upon entering the Kitten Green Room were these mysterious cardboard boxes.当我们进入Kitten Green Room,我们马上就注意到了这些神秘的纸箱。Some of the boxes said "Mew."许多箱子上2012-02-06 编辑:jasmine
[双语达人] 双语达人:"Siri娘"萌物语
On Oct. 4, 2011 Apple Inc. unveiled its long-awaited new iPhone 4S, just one day before the death of its co-founder Steve Jobs. The centerpiece of the new device is the "virtual assistant" feature, S2012-02-06 编辑:jasmine