[科学阅读] 科普阅读:纽约发现新品种青蛙
Scientists discover new species all the time—on the order of 15,000 a year. One of the latest additions to the tree of life is a new type of leopard frog. Which might sound unremarkable, except for2012-05-18 编辑:richard
[托福听力辅导] 2012《科学美国人》:青蛙的计数方式应改变
Audio Finds Frog Counters May Be OverestimatingDeclining frog populations are considered an indicator of environmental damage. But new research finds that frogs might be doing even worse than we thou2012-04-17 编辑:Daisy
[科学美国人60秒综合系列] 60秒科学:"苹果"里的青蛙
Scientists discover new species all the time—on the order of 15,000 a year. One of the latest additions to the tree of life is a new type of leopard frog. Which might sound unremarkable, except for2012-04-01 编辑:beck
[科学美国人60秒综合系列] 60秒科学:小青蛙,大发现 Tiny Frog Makes Big Claim
Magnifying glass, calipers, teeny tiny tape measure. These are the weapons with which researchers are fighting it out to find the world’s smallest frog.[qh]放大镜,游标卡尺,极小的卷尺……借助这2012-02-21 编辑:beck