[CNN学生新闻] CNN热点问答 第276期:世贸中心一号大楼有多高?
世贸中心一号大楼,即美国最高的建筑高1776英尺。之前的纪录保持者是芝加哥的威利斯塔,它有1451英尺高。如果只算建筑的高度的话,它仍然是美国最高点的建筑。2014-01-26 编辑:Joenthi
[OMG美语] OMG美语讲堂第177期:登机 Board a Plane
(1) airline 航空公司(2) terminal 航空集散站(3) go through security 通过机场安检(4) gate 登机口(5) board 登机2012-08-28 编辑:echo
[听名著练听力] 听《傲慢与偏见》第177期:不期而遇
She had instinctively turned away; but, stopping on his approach, received his compliments with an embarrassment impossible to be overcome. Had his first appearance, or his resemblance to the picture2012-02-22 编辑:beck