[囧司徒每日秀] 囧司徒每日秀:谢耳朵的女朋友
Mayim Bialik(饰Amy)从小就是喜剧童星,不仅拥有博士学位,而且擅长希伯来语,西班牙语,在试镜Amy一角时只能把这些特长写到“杂项”里。所以说嘛,学霸就是干啥都牛!2014-03-25 编辑:kekenet
[日积月累学口语] 日积月累学口语:跟谢耳朵学损人小短句
【谢耳朵损人小短句】Poser!耍大牌;stingy bastard!小气鬼2014-02-20 编辑:spring
[娱乐资讯] 谢耳朵变身电视剧制作人 聚焦现实中的天才少年
爱看《生活大爆炸》的同学不能错过这个消息!出演Sheldon的演员吉姆·帕森斯将和男友一起制作推出电视剧《Prodigies》,改编自Youtube上大热的同名系列影片。看来谢耳朵真的对“天才”这两个字没有抵抗力了呢!2013-01-24 编辑:ivy
[娱乐资讯] 十大艾美奖史上最意外黑马,"谢耳朵"榜上有名
Throughout Emmy history, there have been many winners that we didn't quite expect. Actors, actresses, and television2012-09-24 编辑:spring
[娱乐资讯] 霍金将客串《生活大爆炸》与谢耳朵演对手戏
Has Dr. Sheldon Cooper met his match? The Big Bang Theory has finally nabbed famed theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking to film a cameo. As first reported by TV Guide Canada, Hawking filmed a scene2012-03-14 编辑:jasmine
[影视动态] 大科学家霍金加盟《生活大爆炸》 与"谢耳朵"有精彩对手戏!
据报道被称为宇宙之王的英国大科学家霍金(Stephen William Hawking )将在美国时间4月5日晚播出的《生活大爆炸》中亮相,剧中他会与谢耳朵有精彩对手戏,可能是一次正面的辩论PK !看Sheldon的表情貌似有些紧张……2012-03-13 编辑:lily
[影视动态] 谢耳朵偶像"史波克"终于客串《生活大爆炸》
Star Trek‘s Leonard Nimoy will make a guest appearance on the CBS series The Big Bang Theory for its March 29 episode.THR reports that Nimoy, who played the character of Spock in the original 12012-03-07 编辑:lily