[2012年11月AP News] AP News一分钟新闻:旧金山游行庆祝巨人队夺冠
President Barack Obama has got firsthand look at some of the damage caused by Superstorm Sandy. He's officially2012-11-05 编辑:Jasmine
[时事新闻] 桑迪飓风死亡人数增加纽约马拉松如期举行
The U.S. death toll from the powerful storm that ravaged the East Coast is above 90 and rising, as emerge2012-11-04 编辑:ivy
[时事新闻] 飓风过后美国总统竞选开足马力
U.S. President Barack Obama has told supporters in the "battleground state" of Colorado that Americans unify d2012-11-03 编辑:ivy
[时事新闻] 奥巴马暂停竞选忙飓风,罗姆尼小心翼翼作旁观
PRESIDENT Barack Obama, locked in a tight re-election bid, was joining with one of his top Republican critics2012-11-02 编辑:spring
[2012年11月AP News] AP News一分钟新闻:飓风桑迪过境,纽约交易所停开两天
Superstorm Sandy has killed more than three dozen people, many crashed by falling trees. At least 8.2 million2012-11-02 编辑:Jasmine
[环境] VOA视频:飓风桑迪造成纽约市强降水,经济区域关闭
Low-Lying Areas of New York City Suffer Flooding纽约市低洼地段积水严重Hurricane Sandy brought heavy rain and high winds, leaving ma2012-11-02 编辑:Jasmine
[2012年11月AP News] AP News一分钟新闻:飓风桑迪阻碍美国大选,总统候选人忙救灾
Heavy rain and flooding are still major threats for the next couple of days as Superstorm Sandy travels off&nb2012-11-01 编辑:Jasmine
[新闻热词] 新闻热词:飓风"桑迪" Hurricane Sandy
飓风“桑迪”于美国东部时间29日晚8时许(北京时间30日上午8时许)在美国新泽西州海岸登陆。目前“桑迪”仍在纽约等地肆虐。请看相关报道:Hurricane Sandy, one of the biggest storms ever to hit the United States2012-11-01 编辑:ivy
[环境] VOA视频:飓风桑迪过后,华尔街关闭两天
After Sandy, Wall Street Closed for 2nd Day飓风桑迪过后,华尔街关闭A day after Hurricane Sandy caused severe flooding and power 2012-11-01 编辑:Jasmine
[口语怎么说-新闻篇] 这句话怎么说(时事篇) 第49期:“飓风桑迪”怎么说?
【背景】据外电报道,飓风“桑迪”于当地时间29日晚间肆虐美国东部沿海城市,最新的统计数据显示,“桑迪”已造成至少48人死亡,其中许多人是被倒下的树木砸中身亡,目前搜救工作仍在进行中。据国际经济顾问机构HIS环球透视估算,此次风暴将给美国造成200亿美元财产损失,商业损失为100至300亿美元。【新闻】我们来看相关英文报道:Hurricane Sandy is expe2012-10-31 编辑:kekenet