[健康幸福] 成功俘获女孩芳心 眼神交流很重要
The most important thing to charm a girl is make her feel special. During the conversation, always maintain ey2012-11-19 编辑:qihui
[他她话题] 眼睛会说话:眼神透露出的10个重要讯息(下)
6.Drooping eyes.6.垂眼。Have you ever talked to someone and got the impression that the person was not listening to you? That is because you saw a lack of eye blinking or what we call a ‘blank stare2012-08-17 编辑:justxrh
[他她话题] 眼睛会说话:眼神透露出的10个重要讯息(上)
There is a reason why eyes are often called "windows of the soul". While we can choose our words and control certain facial expressions, our eyes never lie. They portray our thoughts, refle2012-08-16 编辑:justxrh
[校园生活] 大学生发明神奇眼镜:用眼神"切水果"
In ancient Greek mythology, Medusa’s gaze turns onlookers to stone. Yang Shuo, a junior software major at Wuhan University, can crush fruit in the Fruit Ninja game simply by moving his eyes. The 21-2012-06-05 编辑:Sara
[科技资讯] 科技资讯:你相信眼神可以"切水果"吗?
导读:你能想象戴上眼镜,动动眼球便可以“切水果”吗?由武汉大学大三学生团队研发的Xight人眼视线捕捉系统将神话(mythology)变为现实。In ancient Greek mythology, Medusa's gaze turns onlookers to st2012-05-29 编辑:Jasmine
[别对我撒谎] 《别对我撒谎》视听精讲第28期:你的眼神是否出卖了你的心
原文欣赏Rough interview?会谈不顺利I just... you know, they're just all so tough.我只是 你知道 他们都太强横You know, acting like nothing's wrong.就好像什么都没做错一样I mean, the las2012-05-04 编辑:lily
[他她话题] 他她话题:女人是否喜欢你?看眼神就知道!
The female mind has always been a complete mystery to most men and their enigmatic thoughts and actions almost impossible to decode — until now.[qh]女人的心思对大多数男人而言总是那么深不可测,直到现2012-03-21 编辑:jasmine