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  • [交通英语口语] 交通英语口语附字幕:警察和司机

    P:I'm sorry,ma'am.you can't stop here.对不起,夫人,这里是不能停车的。D:I'm sorry,Officer.I'm waiting for someone.对不起,警官,我在等人。P:You can't stop here,ma'am.你不能

    2009-10-10 编辑:admin

  • [交通英语口语] 交通英语口语附字幕:空中之旅

    A:I'd like to make reservations for two to New York.Do you have anything in Economy Class for this Saturday?我要预订到纽约的两个座位,周六的经济舱有空位吗?B:Just a moment,please.I'll check.请

    2009-10-10 编辑:admin

  • [交通英语口语] 交通英语口语附字幕:列车之旅

    A:Pardon me.Where do I buy a ticket?请问什么地方买到车票?B:Where are you going?你要去哪里?A:To New York.去纽约。B:I think window 6 has New York tickets.我想6号窗口有卖去纽约的票。A:Thank you.谢谢你

    2009-10-10 编辑:admin

  • [交通英语口语] 交通英语口语附字幕:问路

    1.Where is the bus stop,please?请问公共汽车站在哪里?2.Could you tell me the way to the nearest station?你能告诉我怎样到最近的车站吗?3.How can I get to the subway station?我要怎样去地铁站?4.I'm

    2009-10-10 编辑:admin

  • [交通英语口语] 交通英语口语附字幕:在飞机上

    1.Is this a non_stop flight?[qh]这是不是直飞班机?[qh]2.Show me to my seat,please.[qh]请你带我到我的座位。[qh]3.When do we arrive in the United States?[qh]我们什么时候可到达美国?[qh]4.What is the ne

    2009-10-10 编辑:admin

  • [交通英语口语] 交通英语口语附字幕:在机场

    1.Let me see your passport,please.[qh]请让我看看你的护照。[qh]2.Please fill in this disembarkation card.[qh]请你填写这张入境卡。[qh]3.What's the purpose of your visit?[qh]你旅行的目的是什么?[qh]

    2009-10-10 编辑:admin

  • [交通英语口语] 交通英语口语:指示道路方向

    Useful Expressions[qh]常用语句[qh]1.Go straight on[qh]请直走。[qh]2.Turn left.[qh]请向左转[qh]3.Turn right.[qh]请向右转。[qh]4.Turn left and go straight on.[qh]向左转后请往前走。[qh]5.Turn left at th

    2009-10-10 编辑:admin

  • [交通英语口语] 交通英语口语:租车

    1.I would like to rent a car.What kind of cars do you have?[qh]我要租辆车,你们有什么车?[qh]2.We have Volkswagon,Pinto,Plymouth and Datson.[qh]我们有大众、彬图、普莱毛斯和日产车。[qh]3.What is the r

    2009-10-10 编辑:admin

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